Class PoDateFormatMapping

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PoDateFormatMapping
    extends PoNode
    Node to define date format and mapping. This node defines the current date format and mapping for all MeshViz representations which use it. This node is used to define date input format and association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).

    Date format is defined by a string of characters consisting of only the following letters: ",',h,H, d,D, m,M, y,Y

         "        the date includes a number of seconds defined by a float
                  or integer value
         '        the date includes a number of minutes in 1 or 2 characters
         h or H   the date includes an hour in 2 characters
         D        the date includes a day of the week in 3 characters
         d        the date includes a day of the month in 2 characters
         M        the date includes the month defined by its first 4 letters
         m        the date includes the number of the month in 2 characters
         Y        the date includes the year in 4 characters
         y        the date includes the year in the 20th century in 2 characters
                  (the last 2)
    The date format is as follows

    ["] ['] [H | h] [d] [D] [m | M] [y | Y] in any order.

    The format may include the letters ", ', H or h (exclusive), d, and D, m or M (exclusive), and y or Y (exclusive), but these letters may be in any order. Each letter may only be used once. If the format is incorrect, an error message is generated and the current date format is not modified.


         date format      input date       date obtained
         Ddmy             TUE-10-03-92     Tuesday 10 March 1992
         Ddmy             TUE/10 03 92     Tuesday 10 March 1992
         ymd              92/03/10         10 March 1992
         Ymd              1992.03.10       10 March 1992
         dh               10-23            11 p.m. on the 10th
         Y                1992             1992
         MdY              SEPT.23.1992     23 September 1992
    • days, months and years may be separated by any number of separating characters (any non-alphanumerical character).
    • Graph Master always checks the day of the week in relation to the number of days in the month. If the day does not correspond to the number, Graph Master corrects it.
    • Graph Master checks the number of the day in the month. If this number is greater than the number of days in that month, Graph Master only takes the last day of the month (taking leap years into account for the month of February)

    File format/default:

    PoDateFormatMapping {

      date1 "1-01-70"
      date2 "2-01-70"
      coord1 0
      coord2 1
      format "dmy"
    • Field Detail

      • date1

        public final SoSFString date1
        Defines the first date for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping). date1 corresponds to the coord1 and date2 corresponds to the coord2.
      • date2

        public final SoSFString date2
        Defines the second date for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).
      • coord1

        public final SoSFFloat coord1
        Defines the first coordinate for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).
      • coord2

        public final SoSFFloat coord2
        Defines the second coordinate for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).
      • format

        public final SoSFString format
        Defines the format for dates.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PoDateFormatMapping

        public PoDateFormatMapping()
    • Method Detail

      • getCoordinate

        public float getCoordinate​(java.lang.String date)
        Returns the coordinate associated to a date.

        true is returned if the input date is correct,