Class PoIsovaluesList

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PoIsovaluesList
    extends PoNode
    Node to define a list of isovalues. This node defines the current list of isovalues for all subsequent MeshViz representations which use it. There is no list of isovalues until a PoIsovaluesList node is traversed. An isovalue list is a list of floating-point values sorted by increasing order.

    File format/default:

    PoIsovaluesList {

      isovaluesList 0
    • Field Detail

      • isovaluesList

        public final SoMFFloat isovaluesList
        Defines the list of isovalues.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PoIsovaluesList

        public PoIsovaluesList()
    • Method Detail

      • getDirectIsoList

        public PoIsovaluesList.IsoList getDirectIsoList()
        Convenience method which returns information about the isovalue list.
      • setRegularIsoList

        public void setRegularIsoList​(int numValues,
                                      float firstValue,
                                      float step)
        Convenience method to create a regular isovalue list with numValues values. The isovalue list is computed from a firstValue and the difference between values (step).
      • setRegularIsoList

        public void setRegularIsoList​(float min,
                                      float max,
                                      int numValues)
        Convenience method to create a regular isovalue list with numValues values. The isovalues are between min and max.
      • setRegularIsoList

        public void setRegularIsoList​(int numFloats,
                                      float[] values,
                                      int numValues)
        Convenience method to create a regular isovalue list with numValues values. The isovalue list is computed homogeneous through the min and the max of values, so the difference between two values is constant. numFloats is the size of values.
      • getIsoList

        public PoIsovaluesList.IsoList getIsoList()
        Convenience method which returns information about the isovalue list.