Class SiDicomValue

    • Method Detail

      • getString

        public java.lang.String getString()
        Calls getString((long)0).
      • getInt

        public long getInt()
        Calls getInt((long)0).
      • getDouble

        public double getDouble()
        Calls getDouble((long)0).
      • getUInt

        public long getUInt()
        Calls getUInt((long)0).
      • getString

        public java.lang.String getString​(long idx)
        Get the internally stored string. If the value's type is not STRING, this method will return an empty string.

        idx - the index of the scalar value to get.
      • getDouble

        public double getDouble​(long idx)
        Get an internally stored double precision floating point number. If the value's type is not DOUBLE, this method will return 0.0.

        idx - the index of the scalar value to get.
      • getLength

        public long getLength()
        Get the number of scalar values stored.
      • asString

        public java.lang.String asString()
        Return a printable version of the stored value.
      • getInt

        public long getInt​(long idx)
        Get an internally stored signed integer. If the value's type is not INT, this method will return 0.

        idx - the index of the scalar value to get.
      • getBuffer

        public void getBuffer​(SoBufferObject buffer)
        Copies the internal buffer to the given one.

        buffer - the destination buffer.
      • getUInt

        public long getUInt​(long idx)
        Get an internally stored unsigned integer. If the value's type is not UINT, this method will return 0.

        idx - the index of the scalar value to get.
      • clone

        public SiDicomValue clone()
        Create a clone of the value.