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SoLDMResourceManagerSetLoadPolicy Method

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Sets loading behavior.

Namespace: OIV.LDM
Assembly: OIV.LDM (in OIV.LDM.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
[ObsoleteAttribute("Obsolete since Open Inventor Use SoLDMResourceParameters's field loadPolicy instead.")]
public void SetLoadPolicy(
	SoLDMResourceManagerLoadPolicies loadPolicy


Type: OIV.LDMSoLDMResourceManagerLoadPolicies

Passing NO_USER_INTERACTION means the asynchronous loading thread will only load when the user does not interact with the scene (i.e., the application idles).

The loading occurs as long as there is something to load if ALWAYS is passed. No loading occurs if NEVER is passed. Default is NO_USER_INTERACTION.

Caution note Caution

Obsolete since Open Inventor 10000. Use OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters's field loadPolicy instead.

See Also