| Name | Description |
 | SetValue(SbVec3s, Int32, SoBufferObject) | Calls SetValue(size, nc, bufferObject, OIV.Inventor.Fields.SoSFImage3.CopyPolicies( .SoSFImage3.COPY )). |
 | SetValue(SbVec3s, Int32, Byte) | Calls SetValue(size, nc, bytes, OIV.Inventor.Fields.SoSFImage3.CopyPolicies( .SoSFImage3.COPY )). |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, SoSFImageDataTypes, SoBufferObject) | Calls SetValue(size, nc, dataType, bufferObject, OIV.Inventor.Fields.SoSFImage3.CopyPolicies( .SoSFImage3.COPY )). |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, Byte, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, Int16, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, Int32, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, SByte, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, Single, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, UInt16, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, UInt32, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | |
 | SetValue(SbVec3s, Int32, SoBufferObject, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | Sets the value of this field to be an image of the given size, with the given number of components, and with the given pixel values. |
 | SetValue(SbVec3s, Int32, Byte, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | Sets the value of this field to be an image of the given size, with the given number of components, and with the given pixel values. |
 | SetValue(SbVec3i32, Int32, SoSFImageDataTypes, SoBufferObject, SoSFImage3CopyPolicies) | Sets the value of this field to be an image of the given size, with the given number of components, and with the given pixel values. |