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SoLDMGlobalResourceParametersSetSliceEqualResolution Method (Boolean, Boolean)

Sets the slice equal resolution flag.

Namespace: OIV.LDM
Assembly: OIV.LDM (in OIV.LDM.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public static void SetSliceEqualResolution(
	bool state,
	bool forceRedraw


Type: SystemBoolean
Type: SystemBoolean

Default is false. When true, slice primitives, e.g. OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoOrthoSlice and OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoObliqueSlice, are always rendered using a set of tiles at the same resolution level. This avoids potentially distracting visual effects caused by mixing tiles of different resolution on the same slice. But it means that the slice will be rendered at a lower resolution if it is not possible to load every tile needed for the higher resolution. When false and viewpoint refinement is enabled, higher resolution tiles will be loaded for portions of the slice closer to the camera even if it is not possible to load every high resolution tile.

An alternative strategy is to enable the OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoSlice.largeSliceSupport field. When large slice support is enabled, if all the required full resolution tiles have already been loaded, then the slice data is taken from LDM cache memory as usual. But if some required tiles are not currently in memory, the full resolution slice data will be loaded directly from the volume reader without loading the complete tiles. This reduces disk I/O and reduces the amount of system memory required to display the slice at full resolution, so larger (or more) slices can be displayed.

See Also