Click or drag to resize
SoRotateGestureEvent Class

Class for rotate gesture events.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Gestures.Events
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoRotateGestureEvent : SoGestureEvent

The SoRotateGestureEvent type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoRotateGestureEvent


Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetDeltaRotation

Gets the angle between the vector defined by two fingers previous position and the vector defined by their current position.

Public methodGetGestureState

Gets the gesture event state (Begin,Delta,End).

(Inherited from SoGestureEvent.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetNormalizedPosition

Gets the normalized location of the cursor when the event occurred, relative to the specified viewport region.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodGetPosition

Returns the window pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred as integer values.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodGetPosition(SbViewportRegion)

Gets the viewport pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred, relative to the origin of the specified viewport region, as integer values.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodGetPositionFloat

Returns the window pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred as float values.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodGetPositionFloat(SbViewportRegion)

Gets the viewport pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred, relative to the origin of the specified viewport region, as float values.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodGetRotation

Gets the angle between the vector defined by two fingers position after the second detection and the vector defined by their current position.

Public methodGetTime

Gets the time at which the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodGetTrackerInfo

Gets whether an event object has associated tracker information.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetAltDown

Sets whether the ALT key was down when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodSetButton1Down

Sets whether mouse Button 1 was down when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodSetCtrlDown

Sets whether the CTRL key was down when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodSetPosition(SbVec2f) (Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodSetPosition(SbVec2s)

Sets the window pixel location of the cursor when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodSetShiftDown

Sets whether the shift key was down when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodSetTime

Sets the time at which the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWasAltDown

Returns true if the ALT key was down when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodWasButton1Down

Returns true if mouse button 1 was down when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodWasCtrlDown

Returns true if the CTRL key was down when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)
Public methodWasShiftDown

Returns true if the shift key was down when the event occurred.

(Inherited from SoEvent.)

OIV.Inventor.Gestures.Events.SoRotateGestureEvent represents a two finger rotate gesture in the Open Inventor event model. Touch events are analyzed by a OIV.Inventor.Gestures.Recognizers.SoRotateGestureRecognizer. When a rotate gesture is recognized, the recognizer generates this event. The gesture begins with a BEGIN state event. DELTA state events are generated until the end of the gesture which generates an END state event. See OIV.Inventor.Gestures.Events.SoGestureEvent.GetGestureState().


See Also