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SbExtrusionGenerator Class

Factory that generates an extruded mesh from a polyline.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Misc
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public sealed class SbExtrusionGenerator : SoNetBase

The SbExtrusionGenerator type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(Queue, SbMatrix) Obsolete.
Calls CreateFrom2DPoints(pointsInCam, camToLocal, -1.0f, 1.0f). Obsolete since Open Inventor 8000.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(IListSbVec2f, SbMatrix)
Calls CreateFrom2DPoints(pointsInCam, localToCam, SbBox3f()).
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(Queue, SbMatrix, SbBox3f) Obsolete.

Create an extruded shape from points in camera space.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(Queue, SbMatrix, Single) Obsolete.
Calls CreateFrom2DPoints(pointsInCam, camToLocal, zMin, 1.0f). Obsolete since Open Inventor 8000.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(Queue, SoPath, SbViewVolume) Obsolete.
Calls CreateFrom2DPoints(pointsInCam, nodePath, volume, SbBox3f()). Obsolete since Open Inventor 8000.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(IListSbVec2f, SbMatrix, SbBox3f)

Create an extruded shape from points in camera space.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(IListSbVec2f, SbMatrix, Single)
Calls CreateFrom2DPoints(pointsInCam, camToLocal, zMin, 1.0f).
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(IListSbVec2f, SoPath, SbViewVolume)
Calls CreateFrom2DPoints(pointsInCam, nodePath, volume, SbBox3f()).
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(Queue, SbMatrix, Single, Single) Obsolete.

Create an extruded shape from points in camera space.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(Queue, SoPath, SbViewVolume, SbBox3f) Obsolete.

Create an extruded shape from points in camera space.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(IListSbVec2f, SbMatrix, Single, Single)

Create an extruded shape from points in camera space.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom2DPoints(IListSbVec2f, SoPath, SbViewVolume, SbBox3f)

Create an extruded shape from points in camera space.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom3DPoints(Queue, SoPath, SbViewVolume) Obsolete.
Calls CreateFrom3DPoints(pointsInWorld, nodePath, volume, SbBox3f()). Obsolete since Open Inventor 8000.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom3DPoints(IListSbVec3f, SoPath, SbViewVolume)
Calls CreateFrom3DPoints(pointsInWorld, nodePath, volume, SbBox3f()).
Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom3DPoints(Queue, SoPath, SbViewVolume, SbBox3f) Obsolete.

Create an extruded shape from points in world space.

Public methodStatic memberCreateFrom3DPoints(IListSbVec3f, SoPath, SbViewVolume, SbBox3f)

Create an extruded shape from points in world space.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

This class generates an extruded shape from a simple or a complex polyline. The line is extruded between the 2 planes parallel that can be specified with a boundingBox or directly in camera space (see OIV.Inventor.Misc.SbExtrusionGenerator.CreateFrom2DPoints(System.Collections.Generic.IList{{OIV.Inventor.SbVec2f}}, OIV.Inventor.SoPath, OIV.Inventor.SbViewVolume, OIV.Inventor.SbBox3f) methods) The generated shape is closed and contains only triangles in CCW order.


  • Only vertices are handled in the generated shape, none of the normal, color or texCoord properties are taken into account.


  • In an orthographic view, the polyline is extruded along the view vector (normal to the camera plane), but in a perspective view the generated shape is a truncated cone with a larger base farther from the camera, due to the perspective transform.

  • Local space refers to the space in which the shape will be expressed.

See Also