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OIV.Inventor.Sensors Namespace
Public classSoAlarmSensor

Triggers a delegate once sometime in the future.

Public classSoDataSensor

Abstract base class for sensors attached to parts of a scene.

Public classSoDelayQueueSensor

Abstract base class for sensors not dependent on time.

Public classSoFieldSensor

Sensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor fields.

Public classSoFileSensor

Sensor that triggers a delegateeach time a file is changed.

Public classSoIdleSensor

Sensor for one-time only callbacks when the application is idle.

Public classSoNodeSensor

Sensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor nodes.

Public classSoOneShotSensor

Sensor for one-time only callbacks.

Public classSoPathSensor

Sensor class that can be attached to Open Inventor paths.

Public classSoSensor

Abstract base class for Open Inventor sensors.

Public classSoSystemTimer

Common interface to expose system dependent timers.

Public classSoSystemTimerTask

Interface used by OIV.Inventor.Sensors.SoSystemTimer to execute a task.

Public classSoTimerQueueSensor

Abstract base class for sensors dependent on time.

Public classSoTimerSensor

Sensor that triggers repeatedly at regular intervals.

Public delegateSoSensorSensorCB

This typedef defines the calling sequence for all callbacks from sensors.
