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PbNonLinearDataMapping Class

Class to define non linear data mapping.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.MeshViz.Graph
Assembly: OIV.MeshViz (in OIV.MeshViz.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class PbNonLinearDataMapping : PbDataMapping

The PbNonLinearDataMapping type exposes the following members.

Public methodPbNonLinearDataMapping

Default constructor.

Public methodCopyFrom(PbBase)

Assignment operator.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodCopyFrom(PbDataMapping)

Assignment operator.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodEnableConnection

Activates/deactivates the mechanism of connection.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodEnableThresholds

Enable/Disable the taking into account of threshold values.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodEnableTransparency

Enable/Disable the taking into account of transparency.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetHLSColor(Single)

Gets HLS color associated with a value.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetHLSColor(Single, Single)

Gets the HLS color and the transparency associated to a value.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetMaxHLSThreshold(Single)

Gets the maximum threshold and its associated HLS color.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetMaxHLSThreshold(Single, Single)

Gets the maximum threshold, its associated HLS color and transparency.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetMaxRGBThreshold(Single)

Gets the maximum threshold and its associated RGB color.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetMaxRGBThreshold(Single, Single)

Gets the maximum threshold, its associated RGB color and transparency.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetMinHLSThreshold(Single)

Gets the minimum threshold and its associated HLS color.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetMinHLSThreshold(Single, Single)

Gets the minimum threshold, its associated HLS color and transparency.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetMinRGBThreshold(Single)

Gets the minimum threshold and its associated RGB color.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetMinRGBThreshold(Single, Single)

Gets the minimum threshold, its associated RGB color and transparency.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetRGBColor(Single)

Gets RGB color associated to a value.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetRGBColor(Single, Single)

Gets the RGB color and the transparency associated with a value.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetTransparencyValueDeletedParts

Gets a value that defines the following property : each primitive part of which transparency >= value, is deleted.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsConnectionEnabled

Returns true if the connection mechanism is active, otherwise false.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodIsTransparencyEnabled

Returns true if transparency is enabled, otherwise false.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMaxThreshold(Single)

Sets a maximum threshold.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMaxThreshold(Single, SbColor)
Calls SetMaxThreshold(threshold_max, cmax, 0.0).
(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMaxThreshold(Single, Single)
Calls SetMaxThreshold(threshold_max, cmax, 0.0).
(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMaxThreshold(Single, SbColor, Single)

Sets a maximum threshold, associated to a RGB color and a transparency value.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMaxThreshold(Single, Single, Single)

Sets a maximum threshold, associated to a HLS color and a transparency value.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMinThreshold(Single)

Sets a minimum threshold.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMinThreshold(Single, SbColor)
Calls SetMinThreshold(threshold_min, cmin, 0.0).
(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMinThreshold(Single, Single)
Calls SetMinThreshold(threshold_min, cmin, 0.0).
(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMinThreshold(Single, SbColor, Single)

Sets a minimum threshold, associated to a RGB color and a transparency value.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetMinThreshold(Single, Single, Single)

Sets a minimum threshold, associated to a HLS color and a transparency value.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodSetTransparencyValueDeletedParts

Sets a value that defines the following property : each primitive part of which transparency >= value, is deleted.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodThresholdsEnabled

Returns min=true if the minimum threshold is enabled, otherwise false.

(Inherited from PbDataMapping.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTouch

Simulates the changing of an instance of this object, so all connected objects are informed of this change.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public propertyHLSMapping

Sets a non linear function for data mapping.

Public propertyRGBMapping

Sets a non linear function for data mapping.

Public propertyTransparencyMapping

Sets a function returning a transparency value.


This class is used to define non linear data mapping. This object defines a non linear association between colors, transparencies and floating-point values. In other words, this association is defined by 2 functions F(c,v) and F(c,t):

      F(c,v)(V) = C (with c being a color and v being a value).
     F(t,v)(V) = T (with t being a transparency and v being a value).
F(c,v) and F(t,v) are given by the user. If they are not given by the user, default one are used. The default F(c,v) computes a linear data mapping between black and white. The default F(c,t) returns always 0.

See Also