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SoLDMTopoOctreeGetTileID Method (SbVec3i32, Int32)

Given the position of a voxel in full resolution voxel coordinates (i,j,k) and a resolution level, returns the tile ID of the corresponding tile.

Namespace: OIV.LDM
Assembly: OIV.LDM (in OIV.LDM.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public SoLDMTileID GetTileID(
	SbVec3i32 cellPos,
	int resolutionLevel


Type: OIV.InventorSbVec3i32
Type: SystemInt32

Return Value

Type: SoLDMTileID

Resolution level is counted up from the bottom of the tile hierarchy, so resolution level 0 is the full resolution tiles.

Regardless of the tile's resolution level in the LDM tile hierarchy, the returned bounding box is always in full-resolution voxel coordinates. In other words, the box is the region of the full-resolution volume that the tile "spans" and the extent of this box is not the same as the tile size unless the specified tile is at resolution level 0 (full resolution).

Example: If the volume is 256 x 256 x 256 with tile size 64

  • There are 3 levels of tiles.

  • Level 0 / Res 2 : first tile is tileId 0, pos = 0,0,0 x 255,255,255

  • Level 1 / Res 1 : first tile is tileId 1, pos = 0,0,0 x 127,127,127

  • Level 2 / Res 0 : first tile is tileId 9, pos = 0,0,0 x 63,63,63

See Also