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PbIndexedMesh3D Class

Defines a volume mesh of polyhedrons.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.MeshViz.Data
Assembly: OIV.MeshViz (in OIV.MeshViz.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class PbIndexedMesh3D : PbMesh3D

The PbIndexedMesh3D type exposes the following members.

Public methodPbIndexedMesh3D
Calls PbIndexedMesh3D(true).
Public methodPbIndexedMesh3D(Boolean)

Constructor of a default simple mesh.

Public methodPbIndexedMesh3D(Int32, Single, Single, Single, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Calls PbIndexedMesh3D(num_nodes, x_nod, y_nod, z_nod, num_cells, cell_index, cell_type, true).
Public methodPbIndexedMesh3D(Int32, Single, Single, Single, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean)

Constructor of a 3D volume mesh.

Public methodAddStringsSet(Int32, String)
Calls AddStringsSet(set_index, val, "").
(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodAddStringsSet(Int32, String, String)

Adds a set of string values .

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodAddValuesSet(Int32, Single)
Calls AddValuesSet(set_index, val, "").
(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodAddValuesSet(Int32, Single, PbMeshDataBindings)
Calls AddValuesSet(set_index, val, binding, "").
(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodAddValuesSet(Int32, Single, String)

Adds a set of scalar values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodAddValuesSet(Int32, Single, PbMeshDataBindings, String)

Adds a set of scalar values that can be located either at nodes or at cells.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodAddVecsSet(Int32, SbVec3f)
Calls AddVecsSet(set_index, val, "").
(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodAddVecsSet(Int32, SbVec3f, String)

Adds a set of vector values .

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodCopyFrom(PbBase)

Assignment operator.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodCopyFrom(PbIndexedMesh3D)

Assignment operator.

Public methodCopyFrom(PbMesh)

Assignment operator.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodEnableConnection

Activates/deactivates the mechanism of connection.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindContainingCell(SbVec3f, Single, SbVec3f)

Find the cell that contains the point.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodFindContainingCell(SbVec3f, Single, SbVec3f, PbCell)

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetAdjacentCellsIndByFacet(Int32, ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the list of indices of cells that are adjacent (by a facet) to cell_index.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetAdjacentCellsIndByFacet(Int32, IListInt32)

Gets the list of indices of cells that are adjacent (by a facet) to cell_index.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetAdjacentCellsIndByNode(Int32, ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the list of indices of cells that are adjacent (by a node) to cell_index.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetAdjacentCellsIndByNode(Int32, IListInt32)

Gets the list of indices of cells that are adjacent (by a node) to cell_index.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetArea

Gets the area of the mesh.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetBiggestCellBox

Gets the biggest cell's bounding box, returns also the index of this cell .

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetBoundingBox

Gets the bounding box of the mesh.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetCell

Gets the cell with index cell_index.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetCoordinates

Get the current coordinates of the nodes of this mesh.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetGeometry

Gets the current mesh geometry .

Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetMaxValuesSet

Gets the max of a set of scalars.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetMaxVecsSet

Gets the max module of a set of vectors.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetMinValuesSet

Gets the min of a set of scalars.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetMinVecsSet

Gets the min module of a set of vectors.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNodeCoord

Gets the coordinates of a node.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNodeOwnerCellsInd(Int32, ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the list of indices of cells that own the node "nod_index".

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNodeOwnerCellsInd(Int32, IListInt32)

Gets the list of indices of cells that own the node "nod_index".

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNodes

Gets the mesh nodes coordinate arrays .

Public methodGetNodesOwnerCellsInd(ArrayList, ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the list of indices of cells that own the list of nodes "nod_indices".

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNodesOwnerCellsInd(IListInt32, IListInt32)

Gets the list of indices of cells that own the list of nodes "nod_indices".

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNumCells

Gets the number of cells in the mesh.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNumNodes

Gets the number of nodes in the mesh.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNumStringsSet

Gets the number of set of string values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNumValuesSet

Gets the number of set of scalar values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetNumVecsSet

Gets the number of set of vector values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetSmallestCellBox

Gets the smallest cell's bounding box, returns also the index of this cell .

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetStringsSet

Gets a set of string values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetStringsSetName

Gets the name associated to a string values set.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValuesBinding

Gets the binding of the scalar value set.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetValuesSet

Gets a set of scalar values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetValuesSetName

Gets the name associated to a scalar values set.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetVecsSet

Gets a set of vector values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetVecsSetName

Gets the name associated to a vec values set.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodGetVolume

Gets the volume of the mesh.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodIsConnectionEnabled

Returns true if the connection mechanism is active, otherwise false.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodIsDataDuplicated

Returns true if mesh's data are duplicated, false otherwise.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodRemoveAllStringsSet

Remove all sets of strings values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodRemoveAllValuesSet

Remove all sets of scalar values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodRemoveAllVecsSet

Remove all sets of vector values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodRemoveStringsSet

Remove a set of string values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodRemoveValuesSet

Remove a set of scalar values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodRemoveVecsSet

Remove a set of vector values.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodSetCoordinates

Set new node coordinates without modifying the mesh topology.

(Inherited from PbMesh.)
Public methodSetGeometry

Sets a new geometry.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTouch

Simulates the changing of an instance of this object, so all connected objects are informed of this change.

(Inherited from PbBase.)

Class to define an indexed 3D mesh. Each cell of this type of mesh is a polyhedron with 4, 5, 6 or 8 nodes. Each polyhedron is defined by a list of node indices.

The nodes coordinates are defined by 3 arrays x_nod, y_nod, z_nod of num_nodes floats. The cells are defined by the array cell_type (size num_cells) and cell_index. cell_type[n] defines the number of nodes in the n-th cells: if cell_type[i] = 4, the i-th cell is a tetrahedron, if cell_type[i] = 5 it is a pyramid, if cell_type[i] = 6 it is a prism, and if cell_type[i] = 8 it is an hexahedron. cell_index is an array of S integers, where S = cell_type[0] + cell_type[1] + ... + cell_type[num_nodes - 1]. cell_index contains the num_cells lists of node indices which define each cell topology.

Each facet of a cell may have 2 references in the mesh, that is, one facet is common to 2 cells. The facets which are referred to once in the mesh define the mesh skin.

The values on the mesh nodes are defined by the PbMesh.addValuesSet(set_index,val) method, where val argument is an array of num_nodes floats.

See Also