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SoCpuBufferCompressed Class

LDM buffer object optimized for compressed tile data.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.LDM.Tiles
Assembly: OIV.LDM (in OIV.LDM.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoCpuBufferCompressed : SoCpuBufferObject

The SoCpuBufferCompressed type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearInstance

This function clears the content of the buffer, it frees the memory if the mode was COPY.

(Inherited from SoCpuBufferObject.)
Public methodCreateInstance

Create a new buffer with the same properties as the current one.

(Inherited from SoCpuBufferObject.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by SoDisposable.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFillT
Convenient method to fill an SoBufferObject with a default value.
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetContext

Returns the device context where this buffer is valid.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetMappedBufferObject

Returns a pointer to the buffer object which is mapped by the actual object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetMappedBufferObjectAccessMode

Returns the access mode used for the buffer mapping.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetMappedBufferObjectPosition

Returns the position in the source buffer mapped in this buffer.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetMappedBufferObjectSize

Returns the size of the mapped area in bytes.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetMinMax

Get the min and max values in the buffer, if they are known.

Public methodGetRealSize

Returns the size of the uncompressed data in bytes.

Public methodGetSize

Returns the size, in bytes, of the buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLockBuffer

Locks the buffer against concurrent calls from different threads.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMap(SoBufferObjectAccessModes)
Calls Map(accessMode, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
Public methodMap(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes)
Calls Map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
Public methodMap(SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64)
Calls Map(accessMode, offset, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
Public methodMap(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes)
Calls Map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
Public methodMap(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes)
Calls Map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
Public methodMap(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64)
Calls Map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
Public methodMap(SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64, UInt64)

Returns a pointer to the memory array used for the storage of the buffer.

(Overrides SoBufferObjectMap(SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64, UInt64).)
Public methodMap(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64)
Calls Map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
Public methodMap(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64)
Calls Map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
Public methodMap(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64, UInt64)

Map the current buffer object into the specified buffer object.

(Overrides SoBufferObjectMap(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64, UInt64).)
Public methodMap(SoCpuBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64, UInt64)

Map the current buffer object into the specified CPU buffer object.

Public methodMap(SoGLBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64, UInt64)

Map the current buffer object into the specified GL buffer object.

Public methodMemcpy(SoBufferObject)
Calls Memcpy(sourceBufferObject, System.UInt64(0), System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemcpy(SoBufferObject, UInt64)
Calls Memcpy(sourceBufferObject, destOffset, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemcpy(SoBufferObject, UInt64, UInt64)
Calls Memcpy(sourceBufferObject, destOffset, sourceOffset, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemcpy(SoBufferObject, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64)

Copies data from the specified buffer object into this buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemset(IntPtr)
Calls Memset(value, System.Convert.ToUInt64(1), System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemset(IntPtr, UInt64)
Calls Memset(value, valueSize, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemset(IntPtr, UInt64, UInt64)
Calls Memset(value, valueSize, offset, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemset(IntPtr, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64)

This function sets the contents of (or a portion of) this buffer object to the specified value.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodSetCompressor

Set the compressor used to decompress buffer.

Public methodSetMinMax

Set the min and max values for this buffer.

Public methodSetSize

Sets the size in bytes of the buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnlockBuffer

Unlocks the buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodUnmap

Unmap a mapped buffer.

(Overrides SoBufferObjectUnmap.)
Public methodUnmap(SoBufferObject)

Remove the specified bufferObject from the list of buffers which map the current buffer.

(Overrides SoBufferObjectUnmap(SoBufferObject).)
Public methodUnmap(SoCpuBufferObject)

Unmap the specified CPU buffer object It is defined just to speed up the call when the type of the object is known.

Public methodUnmap(SoGLBufferObject)

Unmap the specified GL buffer object It is defined just to speed up the call when the type of the object is known.

Public propertyBuffer

Request that the buffer object manage an existing block of memory.

(Inherited from SoCpuBufferObject.)
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)

This type of buffer efficiently represents a tile containing compressed data (usually read from a compressed LDM file). The buffer can be used like any other buffer, but uses much less memory when its contents are not actually being accessed.

See Also