Click or drag to resize
SoWinMaterialEditor Class

Component which lets you edit a material interactively.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Win
Assembly: OIV.Inventor.Win (in OIV.Inventor.Win.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoWinMaterialEditor : SoWinComponent

The SoWinMaterialEditor type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoWinMaterialEditor
Calls SoWinMaterialEditor((System.Windows.Forms.Control ^)nullptr, (System.String ^)nullptr, true).
Public methodSoWinMaterialEditor(Control)
Calls SoWinMaterialEditor(parent, (System.String ^)nullptr, true).
Public methodSoWinMaterialEditor(Control, String)
Calls SoWinMaterialEditor(parent, name, true).
Public methodSoWinMaterialEditor(Control, String, Boolean)


Public methodAttach(SoMaterial)
Calls Attach(material, System.Int32(0)).
Public methodAttach(SoMaterial, Int32)

Attaches the editor to a material node and edits the material of the given index.

Public methodDetach

Detaches the editor from the material node.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetClassName

Returns the class name.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetIconTitle

Included for portability only.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodGetMaterial

Gets the current material value.

Public methodGetSize

Convenience routine on the window handle.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodGetTitle

Gets window title.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUpdateFrequency

Gets the update frequency.

Public methodGetWidgetName

Returns the window handle name.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodHide

This hides the component.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodIsAttached

Returns true if the editor is attached.

Public methodIsFullScreen

Queries if the viewer is in fullscreen mode.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodIsFullScreenEnable

Queries if it is possible to put the viewer in fullscreen mode.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodIsTopLevelShell

Returns true if this component is a top level shell component (has its own window).

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodIsVisible

Returns true if this component is mapped onto the screen.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetFullScreen

Switches the viewer into (or out of) fullscreen mode.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetFullScreenEnable

Enables/disables fullscreen mode.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetIconTitle

Included for portability only.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetMaterial

Sets a new material value.

Public methodSetSize

Convenience routine on the window handle.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetTitle

Sets window title.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetUpdateFrequency

Sets the update frequency.

Public methodShow

This shows the component.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyAlwaysOnTop
Public propertyHandle
Implements Handle.
(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public propertyWindowCloseCallback

Sets the delegate to invoke when the user closes this component (double click in the upper left corner) - by default Hide() is called on this component, unless a delegate is specified.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public eventMaterialChanged

This class is used to edit the material properties of an OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoMaterial node. The editor can also directly be used using callbacks instead of attaching it to a node. The component consists of a render area displaying a test sphere, some sliders, a set of radio buttons, and a menu. The sphere displays the current material being edited. There is one slider for each material coefficient. Those fields are ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive (all of which are colors); and transparency and shininess (which are scalar values). A color editor can be opened to edit the color slider base color. A material list displays palettes of predefined materials from which to choose.

The editor can currently be attached to only one material at a time. Attaching two different materials will automatically detach the first one before attaching the second.

See Also