1.8.4. Shader API

GLSL is the standard shader language for OpenGL so you may already be familiar with it. If not, you will find its keywords and syntax are similar to the C language, plus some features from C++ like function overloading (multiple versions of a function that have the same name). There are two important differences that you will see in almost every GLSL function. First, GLSL supports generic vector types like “vec3” and “vec4”, which can contain integer or floating point (etc) values. Second, these vector types allow one or several of their components to be addressed using the suffix notation “xyzw” or “rgba”. In other words a GLSL function can refer to the first component of a vec4 variable as “color.r”, but it can also refer to the first three components simultaneously as “position.xyz”.

Example 1.9. GLSL vector syntax

vec4 color;
color.rgb = ComputeRGBValue( value ); // returns a vec3
color.a   = 1; // Alpha value

The suffix notation also allows “swizzling” the order of components in an assignment statement. There are many resources available on the web for learning more about GLSL.

Similar to a C or C++ programming environment, VolumeViz provides header files for the shader API. These files provide declarations for the shader API functions and for predefined uniform and varying parameters. For example, to use the function VVizGetData() in an application shader file, add the following include directive at the top of the file:


Be sure there are no spaces (blank characters) in the string “//!oiv_include”. The parser currently does not recognize white space in include directives.

VolumeViz provides a virtual address space (also called virtual texture) for volume data on the GPU. This allows shader functions to access any voxel in the volume. For example it is possible to get the values of neighboring voxels for filtering or the values of other samples in a trace for computing seismic attributes. Voxel positions are specified in normalized volume coordinates. These are floating point values ranging from 0..1 along each axis of the volume. Since voxel positions are floating point, it is possible to request the value at any position inside the volume. Interpolation is used, if necessary, to compute the value at the requested position. Application shader code must use the VVizGetData() or VVizGetRawData() function to get voxel values.

Unlike using the Data Access API on the CPU, it is not possible to guarantee that voxel values are taken from full resolution data. However it is possible to query the resolution level for the tile containing a specific voxel. Use the GLSL methods VVizGetTileInfo() and VVizGetTileResolution().


Application shader code cannot make any assumptions about how or where data is stored on the GPU (this may change between releases or even as tiles of different resolutions are managed on the GPU).

All application shader functions should follow these guidelines:

The public shader API functions are described in the Reference Manual. Some of the most commonly used functions are listed here. As previously discussed, VVIZ_DATATYPE is a macro defined as "float" for scalar volumes and "vec4" for RGBA volumes.

VolumeViz automatically defines the following preprocessor macros when compiling shader functions:

VolumeViz automatically creates some uniform parameters when loading the shader. These contain useful information about the volume. With the exception of VVizDataSetId (previously discussed), the application should not attempt to access these variables directly. Use the following query functions: