Class PbWedgeCell

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PbWedgeCell
    extends PbCell
    implements java.lang.Cloneable
    Defines a wedge cell of a volume mesh. A wedge cell has 5 facets which can be in any plane of 3D space. It has 2 triangle facets and 3 quadrangle facets. The 3 first indices define a triangle facet oriented towards the interior of the cell.

    Facets, nodes, and edges are numbered as follows:

                                      n2               facet 0 = 012   edge 0 = 01
                                      x                facet 1 = 354   edge 1 = 12
                                   . / \               facet 2 = 0253  edge 2 = 20
                                .   /   \              facet 3 = 1452  edge 3 = 34
                             .     /     \             facet 4 = 0341  edge 4 = 45
                          .       /       \                            edge 5 = 53
                     n5          /         \                           edge 6 = 03
                     x          /           \                          edge 7 = 14
                    / \     n0 x-------------x n1                      edge 8 = 25
                   /   \    .             .
                  /     \.             .
                 /    .  \          .
                /  .      \      .
               /.          \  .
           n3 x-------------x n4
    • Constructor Detail

      • PbWedgeCell

        public PbWedgeCell​(PbWedgeCell cell)
        Copy constructor.
      • PbWedgeCell

        public PbWedgeCell​(PbMesh owner_mesh)
        Constructor of a default simple cell.
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
      • getDerivs

        public float[] getDerivs​(SbVec3f pcoord)
        Returns the derivs of a point defined by its parametric coordinates.