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MedicalHelperGetVolumeData Method
Make an ImageViz data set available in VolumeViz. Creates an SoVRImageDataReader to access the data and automatically sets the SoVolumeData's 'tile size' to an optimal value. Note that this operation makes a copy of the data set. It is not currently possible for ImageViz and VolumeViz to share a data set. You can use SoVRImageDataReader directly, but the resulting volume may be slow to access if you do not set the tile size and the volume dimensions are larger than the default tile dimension (64). Setting the tile size allows VolumeViz to access the data as a single tile when the dimensions are <= 512 or at least to access the data using a larger tile size (which means a smaller number of tiles).

Namespace: OIV.Medical.Helpers
Assembly: OIV.Medical (in OIV.Medical.dll) Version:
public static SoVolumeData GetVolumeData(
	SoImageDataAdapter adapter


Type: OIV.ImageViz.Nodes.ImagesSoImageDataAdapter

Return Value

Type: SoVolumeData
See Also