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MedicalHelperGetImageDataAdapter Method
Make a VolumeViz data set available in ImageViz. Creates and returns an SoMemoryDataAdapter with the same dimensions, extent and data as the SoVolumeData. Note that this operation makes a copy of the data set. So it must be possible to allocate a contiguous block of memory large enough to hold the whole volume. It is not currently possible for ImageViz and VolumeViz to share a data set. You can use SoVolumeReaderAdapter to get the same result but the performance is much slower because SoVolumeReaderAdapter loads data using the volume's associated volume reader class and re-reads the data from disk. This convenience method is much faster because it loads data using the LDMDataAccess interface which takes advantage of data that VolumeViz already has in memory. Performance depends on the 'tile size' set for the source volume. It will be slow (but still faster than SoVolumeReaderAdapter) if you use the default tile size (64) with a 512^3 volume. We recommend setting the volume's tile size equal to the volume size (or calling the #dicomAdjustVolume() method which does this automatically).

Namespace: OIV.Medical.Helpers
Assembly: OIV.Medical (in OIV.Medical.dll) Version:
public static SoMemoryDataAdapter GetImageDataAdapter(
	SoVolumeData volume


Type: OIV.VolumeViz.NodesSoVolumeData

Return Value

Type: SoMemoryDataAdapter
See Also