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SoGLFormat Class

OpenGL pixel format management class.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Devices
Assembly: OIV.Inventor.GL (in OIV.Inventor.GL.dll) Version: (
public class SoGLFormat : SoNetBase

The SoGLFormat type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoGLFormat

Default constructor -> we set the default format.

Public methodActivate

Tries to activate the format for the current display.

Public methodCopyFrom

Operator = to copy the data.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAccumBufferBits

Returns the accumulation buffer bits of this format.

Public methodGetAlphaBits
Public methodGetBlueBits
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultFormat

Returns the default format used.

Public methodGetDepthBits

Returns the depth buffer bits of this format.

Public methodGetGreenBits
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetNearest

Returns the supported format which is the nearest available on this system.

Public methodGetRedBits
Public methodGetSamplesCount

Returns the samples count of this format.

Public methodGetStencilBufferBits

Returns the stencil buffer bits of this format.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVisualInfoId

Returns the PFD associated with this visualInfo.

Public methodHasAccumBuffer

Returns true if this format has an accumulation buffer.

Public methodHasAlpha

Returns true if this format has an alpha channel.

Public methodHasDepth

Returns true if this format has a depth buffer.

Public methodHasDoubleBuffers

Returns true if this format is double buffered.

Public methodHasFloatColorBuffer

Returns true if this format has a float color buffer.

Public methodHasRgb

Returns true if this format is RGB.

Public methodHasSampleBuffers

Returns true if this format has sample buffers.

Public methodHasStencilBuffer

Returns true if this format has a stencil buffer.

Public methodHasStereo

Returns true if this format has stereo.

Public methodIsAccelerationRequired

Returns true if hardware acceleration support is required for this pixel format.

Public methodIsAvailable

Returns true if this format is available on the system.

Public methodIsCompositionRequired

Returns true if composition is required for this pixel format.

Public methodIsGDISupportRequired

Returns true if GDI support is required for this pixel format.

Public methodIsSoftwareRendererRequired

Returns true if the software renderer is required for this format.

Public methodSetAccelerationRequired

Sets the hardware acceleration support requirement of this pixel format.

Public methodSetAccumBufferBits

Sets the accumulation buffer bits of this format.

Public methodSetAccumBufferEnabled

Sets the accumulation buffer state of this format.

Public methodSetAlphaBits
Public methodSetAlphaEnabled

Sets the alpha channel state of this format.

Public methodSetBlueBits
Public methodSetCompositionRequired

Sets the composition requirement of the pixel format.

Public methodSetDepthBits

Sets the depth buffer bits of this format.

Public methodSetDepthEnabled

Sets the depth buffer state of this format.

Public methodSetDoubleBuffersEnabled

Sets the double buffering state of this format.

Public methodSetFloatColorBufferEnabled

Sets the Float color buffer state of this format.

Public methodSetGDISupportRequired

Sets the GDI support requirement of the pixel format.

Public methodSetGreenBits
Public methodSetRedBits
Public methodSetRgbEnabled

Sets the RGB state of this format.

Public methodSetSampleBuffersEnabled

Sets the sample buffers state of this format.

Public methodSetSamplesCount

Sets the samples count of this format.

Public methodSetSoftwareRendererRequired

Specified that a software renderer is required for this format.

Public methodSetStencilBufferBits

Sets the stencil buffer bits of this format.

Public methodSetStencilBufferEnabled

Sets the stencil buffer state of this format.

Public methodSetStereoEnabled

Sets the stereo state of this format.

Public methodSetVisualInfoId

Sets the PFD id associated with this visualInfo.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

This class provides functions to manage OpenGL pixel formats.

See Also