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SoLDMResourceParameters Properties

The SoLDMResourceParameters type exposes the following members.

Public propertyfixedResolution

Fixed resolution mode.

Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertyloadNotificationRate

Tile loading notification rate.

Public propertyloadPolicy

Tile loading policy.

Public propertymax2DTexMemory

Maximum of 2D textures memory in MB for this data set.

Public propertymaxMainMemory

Maximum allowed main memory in MB that LDM is allowed to use for this data set.

Public propertymaxResolutionThreshold

Maximum loading threshold for the LDM module.

Public propertymaxTexMemory

Maximum allowed texture (GPU) memory in MB for this data set.

Public propertyminResolutionThreshold

Minimum loading threshold for LDM module.

Public propertyminTilesToLoad

Minimum number of tiles that must be loaded in memory before rendering.

Public propertynumPrefetchThread

Number of threads used by the tile prefetch mechanism.

Public propertyresolution

Resolution level for fixed resolution mode.

Public propertyscreenResolutionCullingPolicy

Defines the screen resolution culling policy.

Public propertysubTileDimension

Size of subtiles used by some accelerated algorithms.

Public propertytex2LoadRate

Maximum number of 2D tiles to be loaded in texture memory per frame.

Public propertytex3LoadRate

Maximum number of 3D tiles to be loaded into texture memory per frame for this data set.

Public propertytileBorders

Defines whether or not to generate borders around tiles.

Public propertytileCachePolicy

Specify which tiles should be cached in LDM memory.

Public propertytileDimension

Sets the tile size for non-LDM data.

Public propertytileHalfLife

Tile half-life (seconds).

Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public propertyviewpointRefinementPolicy

Defines the viewpoint refinement policy.

See Also