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SoVertexAttribFeedbackRegisterFeedback Method (String, SoBufferObject, Int32)

This function allows to attach a buffer object to a specific varying of the shader pushed on the state.

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Nodes
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: (
public void RegisterFeedback(
	string varyingName,
	SoBufferObject bufferObject,
	int primitiveSize


Type: SystemString

The name of the varying which must will be added to the list of recorded varyings.

Type: OIV.Inventor.DevicesSoBufferObject

The buffer object which will receive the recorded values from the varying.

Type: SystemInt32

The size, in bytes, of one primitive, used when the autoResizeBuffers field is set to true.


When the buffersMode field is set to INTERLEAVED only the first specified bufferObject is used.

The primitiveSize parameter is used to compute the actual size of buffer objects when autoResizeBuffers is set to true, it is ignored otherwise; It must be the size of each primitive, in bytes. When the buffer mode is set to INTERLEAVED the value must be the accumulated size in bytes for all the varyings. The actual buffer size is computed by multiplying the primitiveSize by the number of primitives and by the size of the data type (float). When the value is -1 (the default value) Open Inventor uses 3 * sizeof(float) * numVerticesPerPrimtive, which is the size of a basic triangle with 3 vertices of 3 float-components, for a triangle the computed value is 3 * sizeof(float) * 3.

NOTE: When the buffer mode is set to INTERLEAVED only the first specified buffer object is used the following ones are ignored.

See Also