Uses of Class
Packages that use SoSFFloat Package Description com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations The Arithmetics Operations category contains operations between two images or between an image and a constant as sum, difference, blending, minimum or Introduction to Edge Marking com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.gradient Introduction to Gradient com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.geometrictransforms Geometric Transforms engines are usually used to align The Global Measures category contains analysis engines a measurement globally to the input The purpose of Morphometry category is to calculate morphometric parameters either in 3D based on a volume model, or in 2D from crossection images (individually or integrated over a volume-of-interest).com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.statistics The Statistics category contains analysis engines applying an intensity- based measurement globally to the input The Grayscale Transforms category contains gray level transformations such as histogram equalization and intensity rescaling The Sharpening category contains filters used to enhance the edges of objects and adjust contrast and shade The Smoothing And Denoising category contains lowpass filters to reduce the contrast and soften the edges of objects in an This category contains engines revealing texture com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.syntheticimages com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization Binarization allows to transform graylevel or color images into a binary This group contains engines capable of transforming images into geometric com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.labeling com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.distancemaps Geodesy Principle com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.erosionanddilation Introduction to Erosion com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.openingandclosing Introduction to Opening com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures Introduction com.openinventor.inventor.draggers com.openinventor.inventor.drawers These classes provide convenient components to draw polyline, ellipse, lasso, or complex scene graph in 2D screen com.openinventor.inventor.geo com.openinventor.inventor.nodes com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.nodes Viewer components nodes independent from graphical user com.openinventor.medical.nodes Provides some nodes and helper classes specifically created to facilitate implementation of medical com.openinventor.meshviz.graph com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes Provides rendering, property and action -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.arithmeticandlogic.arithmeticoperations declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoArithmeticValueProcessing. operandValue
The operand value.SoSFFloat
SoBlendWithImageProcessing. weight
The percentage of first image intensity.SoSFFloat
SoBlendWithValueProcessing. weight
The percentage of first image intensity. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.edgemarking
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.edgemarking declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d. alpha
Flatness sensitivity threshold.SoSFFloat
SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing2d. beta
Blobness sensitivity threshold.SoSFFloat
SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d. beta
Blobness sensitivity threshold.SoSFFloat
SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing2d. noiseCutoff
Noise scale factor.SoSFFloat
SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d. noiseCutoff
Noise scale factor. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.gradient
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.edgedetection.gradient declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoGradientOperatorProcessing2d. standardDeviation
The standard deviation.SoSFFloat
SoGradientOperatorProcessing3d. standardDeviation
The standard deviation. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.geometrictransforms
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.geometryandmatching.geometrictransforms declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoTranslateProcessing. backgroundValue
Background value.SoSFFloat
SoRotateAroundZProcessing2d. rotationAngle
The angle of the rotation in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoRotateProcessing2d. rotationAngle
The angle of the rotation in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoRotateProcessing3d. rotationAngleX
The angle of rotation in degrees (not radians) for the OX axis.SoSFFloat
SoRotateProcessing3d. rotationAngleY
The angle of rotation in degrees (not radians) for the OY axis.SoSFFloat
SoRotateProcessing3d. rotationAngleZ
The angle of rotation in degrees (not radians) for the OZ axis.SoSFFloat
SoScaleByFactorProcessing. scaleFactor
The zoom factor. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.globalmeasures
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.globalmeasures declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoIntensityBinHistogramQuantification. binSize
The size of a class of the histogram. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.morphometry
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.morphometry declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoInertiaMomentProcessing2d. rotationAngle
The orientation of the rotation axis in degrees (not radians). -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.statistics
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.statistics declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoCompareValueQuantification. operandValue
The floating value to compare.SoSFFloat
SoLocalMaximaQuantification. thresholdLevel
Threshold. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.grayscaletransforms
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.grayscaletransforms declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoShadingCorrectionProcessing. normalizationFactor
The normalization factor. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.sharpening
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.sharpening declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoUnsharpMaskingProcessing. brightnessThreshold
The minimum brightness threshold.SoSFFloat
SoUnsharpMaskingProcessing. edgeContrast
The contrast amount added at the edges.SoSFFloat
SoUnsharpMaskingProcessing. edgeSize
Radius of the desired edges.SoSFFloat
SoDeblurProcessing2d. sharpeningFactor
The sharpening factor. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.smoothinganddenoising
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.smoothinganddenoising declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoCurvatureDrivenDiffusionProcessing. anisotropyFactor
The anisotropy factor.SoSFFloat
SoGaussianBlurFilterProcessing. kernelSizeFactor
This parameter is used to compute the size of the kernel applied in the SEPARABLE mode.SoSFFloat
SoCurvatureDrivenDiffusionProcessing. sharpnessFactor
The sharpness factor.SoSFFloat
SoBilateralFilterProcessing. similarity
The photometric similarity (strictly positive value).SoSFFloat
SoNonLocalMeansFilterProcessing. similarity
The similarity is used to compute weight assigned to each voxel in the search window (see expression of).
SoFlowInpaintingProcessing. standardDeviation
The standard deviation.SoSFFloat
SoSigmaFilterProcessing. standardDeviation
The standard deviation.SoSFFloat
SoDespeckleProcessing. thresholdFactor
Stddev threshold factor (strictly positive value). -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.texturefilters
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagefiltering.texturefilters declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoImageCurvatureProcessing2d. standardDeviation
The standard deviation for Gaussian filter.SoSFFloat
SoImageCurvatureProcessing3d. standardDeviation
The standard deviation for Gaussian filter.SoSFFloat
SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing2d. standardDeviationStep
Standard deviation step.SoSFFloat
SoMultiscaleStructureEnhancementProcessing3d. standardDeviationStep
Standard deviation step. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.imageediting
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.imageediting declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoGetObliquePlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d. anglePhi
The angle in degree between the Normal and the OZ axis (phi).SoSFFloat
SoGetObliquePlaneFromVolumeProcessing3d. angleTheta
The angle between Ox and the projection of the Normal on XoY plane (theta).SoSFFloat
SoResetImageProcessing. intensityValue
The reset intensity value. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.syntheticimages
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagemanipulation.syntheticimages declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoRandomImageGeneration. intensityMean
The output intensity range of random values.SoSFFloat
SoRandomImageGeneration. intensityRangeOutput
The standard deviation. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.binarization declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoThresholdingByCriterionProcessing. comparisonValue
Threshold level.SoSFFloat
SoLocalAdaptiveThresholdProcessing. threshold
Enter a floating value Default value is 1.0f. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.computationalgeometry
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.computationalgeometry declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoObjectToSegmentApproximation2d. maxDistance
The maximum distance in pixels between curve and segment. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.featureselection
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.featureselection declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoRemoveSmallHolesProcessing. holeSize
The maximum size of holes to delete (in pixel).SoSFFloat
SoRemoveSmallSpotsProcessing. objectSize
The maximum size of objects to delete. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.labeling
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imagesegmentation.labeling declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoGroupCloseLabelslProcessing2d. maxDistance
The maximal distance for grouping objects. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.distancemaps
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.distancemaps declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing3d. cornerDistance
The distance between 2 pixels with min 3D connexity.SoSFFloat
SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing3d. edgeDistance
The distance between 2 pixels with middle 3D connexity.SoSFFloat
SoChamferDistanceMapProcessing3d. faceDistance
The distance between 2 pixels with max 3D connexity. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.erosionanddilation
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.erosionanddilation declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoDilationLineProcessing2d. orientationAngle
The angle of orientation in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoErosionLineProcessing2d. orientationAngle
The angle of orientation in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoDilationDiskProcessing3d. phiAngle
The angle of orientation around projected OY axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoDilationLineProcessing3d. phiAngle
The angle of orientation around projected OY axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoErosionDiskProcessing3d. phiAngle
The angle of orientation around projected OY axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoErosionLineProcessing3d. phiAngle
The angle of orientation around projected OY axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoDilationDiskProcessing3d. thetaAngle
The angle of orientation around OZ axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoDilationLineProcessing3d. thetaAngle
The angle of orientation around OZ axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoErosionDiskProcessing3d. thetaAngle
The angle of orientation around OZ axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoErosionLineProcessing3d. thetaAngle
The angle of orientation around OZ axis in degrees (not radians). -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.openingandclosing
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.mathematicalmorphology.openingandclosing declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoClosingLineProcessing2d. orientationAngle
The angle of orientation in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoOpeningLineProcessing2d. orientationAngle
The angle of orientation in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoClosingDiskProcessing3d. phiAngle
The angle of orientation around projected OY axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoClosingLineProcessing3d. phiAngle
The angle of orientation around projected OY axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoOpeningDiskProcessing3d. phiAngle
The angle of orientation around projected OY axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoOpeningLineProcessing3d. phiAngle
The angle of orientation around projected OY axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoClosingDiskProcessing3d. thetaAngle
The angle of orientation around OZ axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoClosingLineProcessing3d. thetaAngle
The angle of orientation around OZ axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoOpeningDiskProcessing3d. thetaAngle
The angle of orientation around OZ axis in degrees (not radians).SoSFFloat
SoOpeningLineProcessing3d. thetaAngle
The angle of orientation around OZ axis in degrees (not radians). -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures
Fields in com.openinventor.imageviz.nodes.measures declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoDataMeasureAttributes. histogramBinSize
Size of bins for histogram measures.SoSFFloat
SoDataMeasureAttributes. histogramMaxGrayLevel
Maximum gray level for histogram measures.SoSFFloat
SoDataMeasureAttributes. histogramMinGrayLevel
Minimum gray level for histogram measures.SoSFFloat
SoDataMeasureAttributes. neighborDistance
Distance to the current label boundaries where neighbors are searched (cut-off distance).SoSFFloat
SoDataMeasureAttributes. overlap
Minimal percentage that must represent a label volume overlapping the searched area to be counted as a neighbor. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.draggers
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.draggers declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoSpotLightDragger. angle
Angle between center and edge of beam.SoSFFloat
SoTabPlaneDragger. lineWidth
Specifies the line width for the outline box.SoSFFloat
SoTransformerDragger. minDiscRotDot
Specifies the minimum dot product between eyeDir and rotPlane normal before switching from record-player-type rotation to rolling-pin-type rotation. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.drawers
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.drawers declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoPolyLineScreenDrawer. lineWidth
Width of lines. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.engines
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.engines declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoInterpolate. alpha
Interpolation control value.SoSFFloat
SoTrackFollower. alpha
The value on which the interpolation is made.SoSFFloat
SoTimeCounter. frequency
Number of min-to-max cycles per second.SoSFFloat
SoElapsedTime. speed
Scale factor for time. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.geo
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.geo declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoGeoLOD. range
World-space distance to use as switching criteria.SoSFFloat
SoGeoElevationGrid. xSpacing
Spacing between X values.SoSFFloat
SoGeoElevationGrid. yScale
The yScale value can be used to produce a vertical exaggeration of the data when it is displayed.SoSFFloat
SoGeoElevationGrid. zSpacing
Spacing between Z values. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.nodes declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoTextProperty. aliasingFactor
Defines the anti-aliasing factor to apply to the textured text rendering.SoSFFloat
SoEnvironment. ambientIntensity
Intensity of ambient light (for Phong lighting).SoSFFloat
SoEnvironment. ambientOcclusionIntensity
Intensity of ambient occlusion: the higher the value, the darker the scene.SoSFFloat
SoEnvironment. ambientOcclusionRadius
Specifies the radius of the "sphere" (in world space) beyond which the ambient occlusion has no more effect.SoSFFloat
SoBevelProperty. angle
Indicates the angle (in radians, between 0 and pi) between two adjacent face normals above which the edge will be beveled.SoSFFloat
SoRotationXYZ. angle
Rotation angle (in radians), using the right-hand rule.SoSFFloat
SoRenderToTarget. antialiasingQuality
This field defines the antialiasing quality between 0.0 and 1.0 for the rendering.SoSFFloat
SoCamera. aspectRatio
The ratio of camera viewing width to height.SoSFFloat
SoTextProperty. backFrameLineWidth
Defines the width of the line when BACK_FRAME_LINE has been enabled for the current style.SoSFFloat
SoStereoCamera. balance
The stereo balance (the position of the zero parallax plane).SoSFFloat
SoCone. bottomRadius
Specifies the radius of the base circle.SoSFFloat
SoTextProperty. characterSpacing
This field specifies the spacing between individual characters.SoSFFloat
SoRenderToTarget. clearDepthValue
Value used to clear the depth buffer before the rendering.SoSFFloat
SoShapeHints. creaseAngle
Indicates the minimum angle (in radians) between two adjacent face normals required to form a sharp crease at the edge when normal vectors are computed automatically by Open Inventor.SoSFFloat
SoSpotLight. cutOffAngle
Angle (in radians) outside of which intensity is zero, measured from the center axis of the cone to an edge.SoSFFloat
SoCube. depth
Size in the z dimension.SoSFFloat
SoSpotLight. dropOffRate
Rate of intensity drop-off per change in angle from primary direction: 0 = constant intensity, 1 = very sharp drop-off.SoSFFloat
SoPolygonOffset. factor
Specifies a scale factor that is used to create a variable depth offset for each polygon.SoSFFloat
SoCamera. farDistance
The distance from the camera viewpoint to the far clipping plane.SoSFFloat
SoCamera. focalDistance
The distance from the viewpoint to the point of focus.SoSFFloat
SoEnvironment. fogStart
Distance at which the linear fog HAZE starts to be applied.SoSFFloat
SoEnvironment. fogVisibility
Fog visibility distance, which is the distance at which fog totally obscures objects.SoSFFloat
SoTextureCubeMap. HDRIExposure
Specifies an exposure factor when using an HDRI file.SoSFFloat
SoAlgebraicCone. height
Specifies the cone's height.SoSFFloat
SoAlgebraicCylinder. height
Specifies the cylinder's height.SoSFFloat
SoCone. height
Specifies the cone's height.SoSFFloat
SoCube. height
Size in the y dimension.SoSFFloat
SoCylinder. height
Specifies the cylinder's height.SoSFFloat
SoOrthographicCamera. height
Height of the viewing volume.SoSFFloat
SoPerspectiveCamera. heightAngle
Vertical angle of the viewing volume.SoSFFloat
SoLight. intensity
Illumination intensity of light source.SoSFFloat
SoShadowGroup. intensity
Specifies the intensity of the shadow.SoSFFloat
SoExtSelection. lassoWidth
Width of lasso.SoSFFloat
SoShadowGroup. lightBleedingReduction
In some cases, a halo may appear around shadows intersecting each other.SoSFFloat
SoDrawStyle. lineWidth
Width of lines (for LINES style).SoSFFloat
SoTextProperty. margin
Set a margin (extra space) to apply around the text string for the BACK_FRAME and BACK_FRAME_LINE styles.SoSFFloat
SoIndexedMarkerSet. markerGlobalScale
Specifies a global scale factor applied to all markers.SoSFFloat
SoMarkerSet. markerGlobalScale
Specifies a global scale factor applied to all markers.SoSFFloat
SoColorMap. max
SoTexture. maxAnisotropy
Specifies on a per-texture object basis, the maximum degree of anisotropy to account for in texture filtering.SoSFFloat
SoIndexedTexture2. maxValue
SoColorMap. min
This field allow to remap the color map such that only data values ranging from min to max will be mapped to the color map.SoSFFloat
SoIndexedTexture2. minValue
Specifies the range of values which is mapped onto the color map (seeSoColorMap
SoShadowGroup. minVariance
Increasing this value will decrease possible self-shadowing artifacts but will make shadows fade away.SoSFFloat
SoCamera. nearDistance
The distance from the camera viewpoint to the near clipping plane.SoSFFloat
SoShapeHints. neighborTolerance
Specifies the tolerance value to use when default normals are computed.SoSFFloat
SoDepthOffset. offset
Offset to apply to the projection matrix.SoSFFloat
SoStereoCamera. offset
The stereo offset (the distance of each eye from the camera position).SoSFFloat
SoDrawStyle. pointSize
Radius of points (for POINTS style).SoSFFloat
SoShadowGroup. precision
Specifies the precision of the shadow.SoSFFloat
SoShadowGroup. quality
Specifies the quality of the shadow.SoSFFloat
SoAlgebraicCone. radius
Specifies the radius of the base circle.SoSFFloat
SoAlgebraicCylinder. radius
Specifies the cylinder's radius.SoSFFloat
SoAlgebraicSphere. radius
Radius of sphere.SoSFFloat
SoBevelProperty. radius
This defines the bevel radius (the size of the rounded edge or corner).SoSFFloat
SoCircularExtrusion. radius
Radius of the circular cross-section.SoSFFloat
SoCylinder. radius
Specifies the cylinder's radius.SoSFFloat
SoSphere. radius
Radius of sphere.SoSFFloat
SoInteractiveComplexity. refinementDelay
Time in seconds after interaction stops before field values start to be increased.SoSFFloat
SoTexture2Transform. rotation
Counterclockwise rotation of the coordinate space, in radians.SoSFFloat
SoTexture3Transform. rotation
Counterclockwise rotation of the coordinate space, in radians.SoSFFloat
SoTextureCombiner. scaleAlpha
Specifies the alpha scale for the entire texture operation and may be 1.0, 2.0, or 4.0.SoSFFloat
SoTransformProjection. scaleFactor
Scale factor applied to the geometry.SoSFFloat
SoTextureCombiner. scaleRGB
Specifies the RGB scale for the entire texture operation and may be 1.0, 2.0, or 4.0.SoSFFloat
SoFont. size
This field specifies the font size.SoSFFloat
SoAnnoText3. spacing
Defines the distance (in the negative y direction) between the base points of successive strings, measured with respect to the current font height.SoSFFloat
SoAsciiText. spacing
Defines the distance (in the negative y direction) between the base points of successive strings, measured with respect to the current font height.SoSFFloat
SoText2. spacing
Defines the distance (in the negative y direction) between the base points of successive strings, measured with respect to the current font height.SoSFFloat
SoText3. spacing
Defines the distance (in the negative y direction) between the base points of successive strings, measured with respect to the current font height.SoSFFloat
SoBlinker. speed
Defines the speed of the blinker, in cycles per second.SoSFFloat
SoPendulum. speed
Defines the speed of the pendulum, in cycles per second.SoSFFloat
SoRotor. speed
Defines the speed of the rotor, in revolutions per second.SoSFFloat
SoShuttle. speed
Defines the speed of the shuttle, in cycles per second.SoSFFloat
SoNurbsProperty. tessellationAngle
Used when tessellationType is set to ADAPTIVE.SoSFFloat
SoNurbsProperty. tessellationDistance
Used when tessellationType is set to ADAPTIVE.SoSFFloat
SoComplexity. textureQuality
Hint about texture quality.SoSFFloat
SoPolygonOffset. units
Is multiplied by an OpenGL implementation-specific value to create a constant depth offset.SoSFFloat
SoComplexity. value
Complexity value.SoSFFloat
SoShaderParameter1f. value
Specifies the parameter's value.SoSFFloat
SoShadowGroup. visibilityRadius
Shadows are only computed within "visibility radius" distance from the camera position.SoSFFloat
SoCube. width
Size in the x dimension. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.inventor.viewercomponents.nodes declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoViewingCube. animationDuration
Duration of camera movement to reach the desired position.SoSFFloat
SoViewingCube. edgeSize
Size of the edges, relative to the size of the faces.SoSFFloat
SoViewingCube. opacityMax
Defines the viewing cube opacity when the cursor is close to it or over it.SoSFFloat
SoViewingCube. opacityMin
Defines the viewing cube opacity when the cursor is far from it. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.ldm.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.ldm.nodes declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoTransferFunction. fauxShadingDarkenThreshold
Opacity threshold for darkening edges.SoSFFloat
SoTransferFunction. fauxShadingLength
Controls how many color values will be affected by faux shading.SoSFFloat
SoTransferFunction. fauxShadingStrength
Controls how much faux shading will darken the color values of the transfer function.SoSFFloat
SoGeometryPriority. priority
Geometry priority between 0 and 1 inclusive.SoSFFloat
SoLDMResourceParameters. tileHalfLife
Tile half-life (seconds). -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.medical.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.medical.nodes declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
Gnomon. cameraDistance
Specifies the distance from the camera to the gnomon geometry.SoSFFloat
SliceOrientationMarkers. fontSize
Specify the font size in pixels (default is 17).SoSFFloat
TextBox. fontSize
Specify the font size in pixels (default is 15).SoSFFloat
Ruler. globalFactor
Specifies a scale factor applied to the size of the arrowheads on the line.SoSFFloat
SliceScaleBar. length
Length in normalized screen coordinates (-1 to 1) if not tracking, else length in 3D world coordinates.SoSFFloat
Magnifier. magnifierFactor
Specifies the magnification factor.SoSFFloat
SliceOrientationMarkers. offset
Distance from edge of window to letter. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in
Fields in declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
PoMeshContouring. annotFontFactor
Font size factor of annotations of contour lines.SoSFFloat
PoMeshContouring. annotFontSize
Font size of annotations of contour lines.SoSFFloat
PoMeshContouring. annotGap
Curvilinear distance between two annotations of a same contour line.SoSFFloat
PoStreamParticleMotion. blinkSpeed
Number of animation's cycles per second.SoSFFloat
PoMesh2DVec. bodyLengthFactor
Length (or length multiplicative factor) of the body shape.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVec. bodyLengthFactor
Length (or length multiplicative factor) of the body shape.SoSFFloat
PoMesh2DVec. bodyRadiusFactor
Radius (or radius multiplicative factor) of the cylinder.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVec. bodyRadiusFactor
Radius (or radius multiplicative factor) of the cylinder.SoSFFloat
PoMesh. creaseAngle
Indicates the minimum angle (in radians) between two adjacent face normals required to form a sharp crease at the edge when default normals are computed and used.SoSFFloat
PoMesh2DVec. endArrowHeightFactor
Height (or Height multiplicative factor) of the arrow shape.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVec. endArrowHeightFactor
Height (or Height multiplicative factor) of the arrow shape.SoSFFloat
PoMesh2DVec. endArrowRadiusFactor
The end-arrow's radius is end-arrow's height * endArrowRadiusFactor.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVec. endArrowRadiusFactor
The end-arrow's radius is end-arrow's height * endArrowRadiusFactor.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVecGridCrossSection. gridSpacing
GridSpacing is relating to the number of points on the grid : the smaller gridSpacing is, the greater the number of points is.SoSFFloat
PoBaseStreamLine. integrationStepLengthFactor
It is a factor of the size of a cell.SoSFFloat
PoStreamTadpoleMotion. lengthFactor
Length factor applied to the velocity.SoSFFloat
PoMeshLevelSurf. levelValue
Value of the level surface.SoSFFloat
PoStreamLine. lineWidth
Convenience field to set the width line attribute of each streamline drawn.SoSFFloat
PoStreamLineMotion. lineWidth
Convenience field to set the width line attribute of each streamline drawn.SoSFFloat
PoBaseStreamLine. maxLength
The curvilinear distance between the start-point and the last point of a streamline must be less than maxLength.SoSFFloat
PoMesh2DVec. maxLength
Maximum length of the vector to be drawn.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVec. maxLength
Maximum length of the vector to be drawn.SoSFFloat
PoBaseStreamLine. maxLifetime
The difference between the time of the start-point and the time of the last point of a streamline must be less than maxLifetime.SoSFFloat
PoMesh2DVec. minLength
Minimum length of the vector to be drawn.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVec. minLength
Minimum length of the vector to be drawn.SoSFFloat
PoBaseStreamLine. minSpeed
The streamline ends when it goes through a point where the velocity is less than minSpeed.SoSFFloat
PoCellIndices. offset
Factor of the cell's size that specifies the distance of the nodes indices representation to the position of these nodes.SoSFFloat
PoStreamPointMotion. pointSize
Convenience field to set the point size attribute.SoSFFloat
PoStreamSurface. rakeLength
Length of each rake-source.SoSFFloat
PoStreamParticleMotion. shiftStart
Duration from which the first position on the streamline is calculated.SoSFFloat
PoStreamSphereMotion. sphereRadius
Defines the radius of each sphere drawn.SoSFFloat
PoMesh2DVec. startArrowHeightFactor
Height (or Height multiplicative factor) of the arrow shape.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVec. startArrowHeightFactor
Height (or Height multiplicative factor) of the arrow shape.SoSFFloat
PoMesh2DVec. startArrowRadiusFactor
The start-arrow's radius is start-arrow's height * startArrowRadiusFactor.SoSFFloat
PoMesh3DVec. startArrowRadiusFactor
The start-arrow's radius is start-arrow's height * startArrowRadiusFactor.SoSFFloat
PoMeshSides. thresholdValue
Defines the limit of the threshold of the mesh sides.SoSFFloat
PoStreamParticleMotion. timeStep
Time step between 2 consecutive points of a streamline.SoSFFloat
PoMeshProbePoint. tolerance
Tolerance used to locate the position of the probe inside a cell of the mesh.SoSFFloat
PoStreamTadpoleMotion. width
Width of each tadpole segment. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.meshviz.graph
Fields in com.openinventor.meshviz.graph declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
PoCircleArc3CtrPtAngle. angle
Arc angle.SoSFFloat
PoCircleArcCtrPtAngle. angle
Arc angle.SoSFFloat
PoAngularAxis. angleStep
Angular distance in radians between two graduations.SoSFFloat
PoPieChartRep. annoDistToCenter
Defines the distance from the pie chart center of the displayed annotations (name/value/percentage).SoSFFloat
PoPieChartRep. annoFontSize
Define the font size of the annotation.SoSFFloat
PoPieChartRep. annoHeightFromSlice
Defines the height of the displayed annotations (name/value/percentage) from the top of each slice.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. arrowHeight
Arrow height.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. arrowHeight
Height of the arrow.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. arrowLength
Arrow length.SoSFFloat
PoCoordinateSystemAxis. arrowLengthFactor
Arrow length scale factor.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. arrowWidth
Width of the arrow.SoSFFloat
PoMultipleHistogram. barHeight
This field is used only for percentage histogram representation (representation = PERCENTAGE) and it corresponds to the height of the histogram (in this representation, all the bars have the same size).SoSFFloat
PoHistogram. barSpaceValue
Spacing value.SoSFFloat
PoConicBar. bottomRadius
Defines the radius used for each conic bar.SoSFFloat
PoLegend. boxRatio
Ratio between width and height of the colored boxes in the legend.SoSFFloat
PoTimeAxis. coord
Abscissa or ordinate of the axis according to the axis type.SoSFFloat
PoLogAxis. decadeFontSize
Decade graduations font size.SoSFFloat
PoPolarLogAxis. decadeFontSize
Decade graduations font size.SoSFFloat
PoCartesianAxis. end
Defines the end of the axis.SoSFFloat
PoHistogram. end
Define the end point of the histogram.SoSFFloat
PoAngularAxis. endAngle
Angle in radians of the end of the axis.SoSFFloat
PoCircleArcCtrRadTwoAngle. endAngle
End angle.SoSFFloat
PoPolarAxis. endRadius
Radius at the end of the axis.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. extAnnotDistance1
Distance from the pie chart center to the end of the arrow.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. extAnnotDistance2
Distance from the end of the arrow to the middle of the arrow.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. extAnnotDistance3
Distance from the middle of the arrow to the start of the arrow.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. extAnnotPercentFontSize
Font size of exterior percentages.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. extAnnotTextFontSize
Font size of exterior texts (texts of sliceText field).SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. extAnnotValueFontSize
Font size of exterior values (values of sliceValue field).SoSFFloat
PoCurve. fillingThreshold
Defines the threshold to fill the curve.SoSFFloat
PoLabel. fontSize
Font size of labels.SoSFFloat
PoLabelField. fontSize
Font size for strings to display.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. gradDistAxis
Distance from the graduations to the axis.SoSFFloat
PoCartesianAxis. gradEnd
Defines the value of the graduation (tick label) corresponding to the end coordinate of this axis.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. gradFontSize
Font size of the graduations.SoSFFloat
PoCartesianAxis. gradStart
Defines the value of the graduation (tick label) corresponding to the starting coordinate of this axis.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. gridLengthGradOtherSide
Grid lines length other side graduation texts.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. gridLengthGradSide
Grid lines length side graduation texts.SoSFFloat
PoPieChartRep. height
Defines the height of the pie chart if the field yValuesIndex is different from -1.SoSFFloat
PoPointsFieldBars. height
Height of parallelepipeds.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. intAnnotDistance
Distance from the pie chart center to the interior annotation box center.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. intAnnotPercentFontSize
Font size of interior percentages.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. intAnnotTextFontSize
Font size of interior texts (texts of sliceText field).SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. intAnnotValueFontSize
Font size of interior values (values of sliceValue field).SoSFFloat
PoLegend. marginBottom
Bottom margin.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. marginEnd
Margin at the end of the axis.SoSFFloat
PoLegend. marginLeft
Left margin.SoSFFloat
PoLegend. marginRight
Right margin.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. marginStart
Margin at the start of the axis.SoSFFloat
PoLegend. marginTop
Top margin.SoSFFloat
PoCurve. markerXPeriod
One point (of the computed curve points) in every markerXPeriod is selected.SoSFFloat
PoLinearValueLegend. maxValueSize
Indicates the maximum size of text values.SoSFFloat
PoNonLinearValueLegend3. maxValueSize
Indicates the maximum size of text values.SoSFFloat
PoLinearAxis. multFactorDistAxis
Distance from the multiplicative factor to the axis.SoSFFloat
PoLogAxis. multFactorDistAxis
Distance from the multiplicative factor to the axis.SoSFFloat
PoPolarAxis. multFactorDistAxis
Distance from the mutiplicative factor to the axis.SoSFFloat
PoHistogram. nameFontSize
Font size of bars names.SoSFFloat
PoAngularAxis. offset
Offset for the axis in radians.SoSFFloat
PoPolarAxis. offset
Offset for the axis.SoSFFloat
PoArrow. patternHeight
Define the height of the start and end arrow pattern.SoSFFloat
PoArrow3. patternHeight
Define the height of the start and end arrow pattern.SoSFFloat
PoArrow. patternWidth
Define the width of the start and end arrow pattern.SoSFFloat
PoArrow3. patternWidth
Define the width of the start and end arrow pattern.SoSFFloat
PoAngularAxis. radius
Radius of the axis.SoSFFloat
PoCircle3CenterRadius. radius
Circle radius.SoSFFloat
PoCircleArcCtrRadTwoAngle. radius
Circle radius.SoSFFloat
PoCircleCenterRadius. radius
Circle radius.SoSFFloat
PoCylindricalBar. radius
Defines the radius used for each cylindrical bar.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. radius
Radius of the pie chart.SoSFFloat
PoPieChartRep. radiusMax
Defines the maximum radius of the pie chart.SoSFFloat
PoPieChartRep. radiusMin
Defines the mininum radius of the pie chart.SoSFFloat
PoCurve. raiseThreshold
Raise points are vertical lines joining the curve points and the specified threshold.SoSFFloat
PoCurve. raiseXPeriod
One point (of the computed curve points) in every raiseXPeriod is selected.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. sliceAngleStep
Slice are approximated by a polygon, that is a sequence of straight line segments.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart. sliceGroupMinValue
Threshold underneath the slice are regrouped.SoSFFloat
PoAngularAxis. startAngle
Angle in radians of the origin of the axis.SoSFFloat
PoCircleArcCtrRadTwoAngle. startAngle
Start angle.SoSFFloat
PoPolarAxis. startRadius
Radius at the start of the axis.SoSFFloat
PoLinearAxis. step
Defines the step for the axis.SoSFFloat
PoPolarLinAxis. step
Defines the step for the axis.SoSFFloat
PoMultipleHistogram. sumFontSize
Font size of bars sums.SoSFFloat
PoPolarAxis. theta
Rotation angle of the axis in radians.SoSFFloat
PoCurveLine. thicknessFactor
Defines a multiplicative factor applied to the thickness values.SoSFFloat
PoBar. threshold
Defines the threshold of the origin of the bars.SoSFFloat
PoCurveFilling. threshold
Defines the threshold of the origin of the filled curve.SoSFFloat
PoLabel. threshold
Defines the threshold used to the set position of the label.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. tickMainLength
Main graduations ticks length.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. tickSubLength
Secondary graduations ticks length.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. titleDistAxis
Distance from the title to the axis.SoSFFloat
PoAxis. titleFontSize
Font size of the title.SoSFFloat
PoLegend. titleFontSize
Font size of the title.SoSFFloat
PoCoordinateSystemAxis. titleTranslationFactor
Translation factor of the titles (as function of the length of each vector).SoSFFloat
PoHistogram. valueFontSize
Font size of values.SoSFFloat
PoCurveFilling. width
Defines the width of the curve filled.SoSFFloat
PoPointsFieldBars. width
Width of parallelepipeds.SoSFFloat
PoRibbon. width
Defines the width of the ribbon.SoSFFloat
PoPieChart3D. zCenter2
Z coordinate of the center of the circle forming the second face of the pie chart. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.meshviz.nodes declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
PoBevelEdge. bevelAngle
Indicates the minimum angle (in radians) between two adjacent face normals required to bevel the edge common to these two faces.SoSFFloat
PoDateFormatMapping. coord1
Defines the first coordinate for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).SoSFFloat
PoDateFormatMapping. coord2
Defines the second coordinate for the association between dates and coordinates (date mapping).SoSFFloat
PoSquareProfile. height
PoIntervalCellFilter. max
Specifies the max limit of the float interval.SoSFFloat
PoDataMapping. maxThreshold
Maximum threshold value.SoSFFloat
PoDataMapping. maxThresholdTransparency
Transparency associated to values >= maxThreshold.SoSFFloat
PoIntervalCellFilter. min
Specifies the min limit of the float interval.SoSFFloat
PoDataMapping. minThreshold
Minimum threshold value.SoSFFloat
PoDataMapping. minThresholdTransparency
Transparency associated to values <= minThreshold.SoSFFloat
PoPeriodFilter. period
Defines the period used to filter the mesh 1D geometry.SoSFFloat
PoBevelEdge. radius
Indicates the radius of the bevel.SoSFFloat
PoCircularProfile. radius
Radius of the circle defining the profile.SoSFFloat
PoLinearDataMapping. transparency1
Defines the first transparency of the linear data mapping.SoSFFloat
PoLinearDataMapping. transparency2
Defines the second transparency of the linear data mapping.SoSFFloat
PoDataMapping. transparencyValueDeletedParts
Each primitive part of which transparency >= transparencyValueDeletedParts, is deleted.SoSFFloat
PoLinearDataMapping. value1
Defines the first value of the linear data mapping.SoSFFloat
PoLinearDataMapping. value2
Defines the second value of the linear data mapping.SoSFFloat
PoSquareProfile. width
PoEllipticProfile. xRadius
x radius of the ellipse defining the profile.SoSFFloat
PoEllipticProfile. yRadius
y radius of the ellipse defining the profile. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.meshvizxlm.mapping.nodes declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
MoMeshCellShape. factor
Field representing the factor to resize extracted cells.
A factor lower than one will shrink cells, whereas a factor greater than one will expand cells.
The default value is 1.0, which will not resize cells.SoSFFloat
MoDrawStyle. fadingThreshold
Threshold allowing to fade out extra styles of a surface representation as it gets away from the view point.
If fadingThreshold is 0, no fading is done.SoSFFloat
MoMeshIsosurface. isoValue
Isovalue to display.SoSFFloat
MoPredefinedColorMapping. maxValue
The max value defining the range of scalar values.
The default value is 1.SoSFFloat
MoPredefinedColorMapping. minValue
The min value defining the range of scalar values.
The default value is 0.SoSFFloat
MoMeshCellShape. offset
Field representing the distance to shift the display of node names away from the node coordinates.
A negative offset will display node names inside the cell, whereas a positive offset will display them outside the cell.
Note: The offset is relative to the cell's size if therelativeOffset
field is set totrue
MoMeshCylinderSlice. radius
Specifies the cylinder's radius.SoSFFloat
MoMeshSphereSlice. radius
Specifies the sphere's radius.SoSFFloat
MoMeshVector. scaleFactor
The scale factor to apply to the vector field to resize the representation.SoSFFloat
MoMeshVector. shiftFactor
The shift factor to apply to the representation of each vector.SoSFFloat
MoMeshVector. thicknessFactor
The thickness factor to apply to the representation of each vector.SoSFFloat
MoMaterial. transparency
Transparency value used to display surfaces. -
Uses of SoSFFloat in com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes
Fields in com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes declared as SoSFFloat Modifier and Type Field Description SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality. blurFactor
This value controls the intensity of the blurring for the Depth Of Field effect.SoSFFloat
SoOrthoSlice. borderWidth
Border width in pixels.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. boundaryOpacityIntensity
Applies whenboundaryOpacity
is true.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. boundaryOpacityThreshold
Applies whenboundaryOpacity
is true.SoSFFloat
SoSlice. bumpScale
Specifies the intensity of the bump mapping effect.SoSFFloat
SoHeightFieldRender. cellOutlineWidth
is true, this value specifies the cell outline width in pixels.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. edgeDetect2DInnerThreshold
Increase this value to decrease noise on silhouette edges.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. edgeDetect2DOuterThreshold
Increase this value to decrease noise on edges in the volume.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. edgeThreshold
If this value is low, more edges will be detected.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. gradientThreshold
Ignore all gradients with a magnitude less than the specified threshold.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRender. lightIntensity
Deprecated.As of Open Inventor 8500.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeBufferedShape. offset
Sets an offset value used for computing the texture coordinates.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeFaceSet. offset
Sets an offset value used for computing the texture coordinates.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeIndexedFaceSet. offset
Sets an offset value used for computing the texture coordinates.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeIndexedTriangleStripSet. offset
Sets an offset value used for computing the texture coordinates.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeTriangleStripSet. offset
Sets an offset value used for computing the texture coordinates.SoSFFloat
SoOffscreenVolumeRender. opacityThreshold
During extraction, voxels with an opacity less than the specified value will be ignored Default is 0.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRender. opacityThreshold
Specifies a threshold opacity (alpha) value that defines voxels considered to be "solid" (non-transparent).SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. segmentedInterpolationThreshold
Defines the iso distance used whensegmentedInterpolation
is true.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. surfaceScalarExponent
If this field is greater than or equal to 1, a surface with a small gradient will be less lighted than a surface with a high gradient.SoSFFloat
SoUniformGridClipping. thickness
Defines a clipping thickness in the axis direction.SoSFFloat
SoUniformGridClipping. undefinedValue
Texels in the clipping texture with this value will clip all voxels above and below the surface.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. unnormalizedGradientExponent
When unnormalizedGradientExponent is not 0, surfaces with high gradients will be more lighted than surfaces with small gradients.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. voxelOutlineThreshold
is true, this threshold specifies the minimum size of a voxel, in screen pixels, for the voxel outline to be visible.SoSFFloat
SoVolumeRenderingQuality. voxelOutlineWidth
is true, this value specifies the voxel outline width in pixels.