127 static void initClass();
132 static void exitClass();
155 SoCube* m_boundingBoxCube;
#define SO_NODE_HEADER(className)
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Bounding box nod...
SoSFEnum mode
Specifies the behavior of the SoBBox node.
SoSFBox3f boundingBox
Application-defined bounding box.
This enum specifies how the node interacts with OpenInventor during a traversal.
SoGetBoundingBoxAction will ignore subsequent nodes in this portion of the scene graph and use the bo...
SoGetBoundingBoxAction will ignore subsequent nodes in this portion of the scene graph (as if the nod...
The node doesn't do anything.
Renders a scene graph using Open Inventor's Render Engine.
Computes bounding box of a scene.
Abstract base class for all database nodes.
<a href="IconLegend.html"><img src="extTGS.gif" alt="VSG extension" border="0"></a> Field containing...
Field containing an enumerated value.