Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
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SoGuiWalkViewer Class Reference

#include <Inventor/Gui/viewers/SoGuiWalkViewer.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for SoGuiWalkViewer:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SoGuiAlgoViewers
enum  ViewerTypes {
  FLY ,
  WALK ,
 Viewer type flags. More...
enum  DrawStyle {
 List of possible drawing styles. More...
enum  DrawType {
 List of possible drawing types. More...
enum  BufferType {
 List of different buffering types. More...
enum  ProjectorsType {
 List of possible projection modes for the virtual trackball. More...
enum  ZoomingType {
 List of possible zooming modes. More...
enum  WalkViewerMode {
 Walk viewer mode flags. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoGuiAlgoViewers
virtual SoType getTypeId () const
 Returns the type identifier for this specific instance.
 SoGuiAlgoViewers ()
void setConstrained (SbBool constrained)
 Specifies whether algorithms for constrained viewers should be used.
SbBool isConstrained () const
 Returns TRUE if algorithms for constrained viewers are used.
void setViewerType (ViewerTypes vType)
 Sets the type of viewer used for the algorithms.
SoGuiAlgoViewers::ViewerTypes getViewerType () const
 Returns the current viewer type.
void resetRenderAction ()
 This method resets the render action cache.
void setSheetProjectionType (const ProjectorsType &projType)
 Specifies the sheet projection to use for rotations.
ProjectorsType getSheetProjectionType () const
 Returns the sheet projection used for rotations.
void setMouseAngularSpeed (double speedFactor)
 Specifies the factor used to scale the rotation speed while interactively rotating the camera.
double getMouseAngularSpeed ()
 Returns the factor used to scale the rotation speed while interactively rotating the camera.
void setZoomingType (const ZoomingType &zoomType)
 Specifies the zooming algorithm to use.
ZoomingType getZoomingType () const
 Returns the zooming algorithm.
virtual void setRotationTargetPosition (const SbVec3f &targetPos)
 Sets the camera target position for rotations.
virtual void resetRotationTargetPosition ()
 Reset target position to default rotation around "focal point".
virtual bool getRotationTargetPosition (SbVec3f &targetPos)
 Query the camera target position for rotations.
virtual void getDefaultRotationTargetPosition (SbVec3f &targetPos)
 Gets the default camera target position for rotations.
virtual void setSceneGraph (SoNode *newScene)
 Sets the scene graph to render.
virtual SoNodegetSceneGraph ()
 Returns the scene graph to render.
void enableShadows (bool onOrOff)
 Adds an SoShadowGroup after the headlight and enables it if true.
virtual void setCamera (SoCamera *newCamera)
 Sets the edited camera.
SoCameragetCamera ()
 Gets the edited camera.
virtual void setCameraType (SoType type)
 Sets the camera type that will be created by the viewer if no cameras are found in the scene graph (see SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrthographicCamera).
SoType getCameraType ()
 Gets the camera type that will be created by the viewer if no cameras are found in the scene graph (see SoPerspectiveCamera and SoOrthographicCamera).
virtual void toggleCameraType ()
 This routine will toggle the current camera from perspective to orthographic, and from orthographic back to perspective.
virtual void setPreserveCameraHeightAngle (SbBool flag)
 If TRUE, an SoPerspectiveCamera's heightAngle is preserved if the camera is changed to an SoOrthographicCamera and then toggled back to an SoPerspectiveCamera.
virtual SbBool isCameraHeightAnglePreserved () const
 Queries whether the SoPerspectiveCamera's heightAngle is preserved if the camera is changed to an SoOrthographicCamera and then toggled back to an SoPerspectiveCamera.
virtual void viewAll ()
 Changes the camera position to view the entire scene (the camera zoom or orientation isn't changed).
virtual void saveHomePosition ()
 Saves the camera values.
virtual void resetToHomePosition ()
 Restores the camera values.
virtual void setHeadlight (SbBool insertFlag)
 Turns the headlight on/off (default on).
SbBool isHeadlight ()
 Returns TRUE if the headlight is on.
SoDirectionalLightgetHeadlight ()
 Returns the headlight node.
virtual void setDrawStyle (DrawType type, DrawStyle style)
 Sets the current drawing style in the main view.
DrawStyle getDrawStyle (DrawType type)
 Returns the current drawing style in the main view.
virtual void setBufferingType (BufferType type)
 Sets the current buffering type in the main view (default BUFFER_DOUBLE).
BufferType getBufferingType ()
 Returns the current buffering type in the main view.
virtual void setViewing (SbBool flag)
 Sets whether the viewer is turned on or off.
SbBool isViewing () const
 Returns TRUE if the viewer is in viewing mode.
virtual void recomputeSceneSize ()
 This can be used to let the viewer know that the scene graph has changed so that the viewer can recompute things like speed which depend on the scene graph size.
virtual void setSeekMode (SbBool onOrOff)
 Set the viewer into/out of seek mode (default OFF).
SbBool isSeekMode ()
 Returns TRUE if viewer is in seek mode.
virtual void adjustCameraClippingPlanes ()
 Auto clipping routine.
void setBoxSelectionMode (SbBool on)
 Sets box selection mode.
SbBool isBoxSelection () const
 Returns TRUE if box selection mode is enabled.
void setBoxDrawingMode (SbBool on)
 Sets box drawing mode.
SbBool isBoxDrawing () const
 Returns TRUE if box drawing mode is enabled.
void doBoxZoom (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
 Zooms to the region delimited by the box.
virtual void rollCamera (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
 Rolls the camera based on cursor motion.
virtual void dollyCamera (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
 Moves the camera on the z axis based on cursor motion.
virtual void dollyCamera (float dist)
 Moves the camera forward by the given amount.
virtual void reverseDollyCamera (const SbVec2s &newLocator)
 Same as dollyCamera but reversed.
virtual void panCamera (const SbVec2f &newLocator)
 Pans the camera based on cursor motion.
void doCameraAnimation ()
 Does camera animation for constrained viewers.
virtual void rightWheelStart ()
 Initializes right thumb wheel.
virtual void bottomWheelStart ()
 Initializes bottom thumb wheel.
virtual void leftWheelStart ()
 Initializes left thumb wheel.
virtual void bottomWheelMotion (float newVal)
 Examiner and constrained viewers: Rotates the camera based on bottom wheel motion.
virtual void leftWheelMotion (float newVal)
 Examiner and constrained viewers: Rotates the camera based on left wheel motion.
virtual void rightWheelMotion (float newVal)
 Makes the camera to zoom based on right wheel motion.
virtual void mouseWheelMotion (float newVal)
 Makes the camera to zoom based on mouse wheel motion.
void activatePanning ()
 Updates camera position when panning is actived.
void setStartMousePositionLocator (const SbVec2s &mousePosition)
 Sets the mouse start position.
SbVec2s getStartMousePositionLocator () const
 Returns the mouse start position in pixels.
void setCurrentMousePositionLocator (const SbVec2s &mousePosition)
 Sets the current mouse position.
SbVec2s getCurrentMousePositionLocator () const
 Returns the current mouse position in pixels.
void setPreviousMousePositionLocator (const SbVec2s &mousePosition)
 Sets the previous mouse position.
SbVec2s getPreviousMousePositionLocator () const
 Returns the previous mouse position in pixels.
void setCameraPositionLocator (const SbVec3f &camPosition)
 Sets the camera position.
SbVec3f getCameraPositionLocator () const
 Returns the camera position.
void setCameraFocalPlane (const SbPlane &focalPlane)
 Sets the camera focal plane.
SbPlane getCameraFocalPlane () const
 Returns the camera focal position.
void interactiveCountInc ()
 Invokes the start viewing callbacks.
void interactiveCountDec ()
 Invokes the finish viewing callbacks.
void setPrevAnimTime (SbTime previous)
 Sets the previous animation time.
SbTime getPrevAnimTime () const
 Returns the previous animation time.
virtual void computeSeekFinalOrientation ()
 Keeps the same camera rotation when seeking.
virtual void setMPEGRecorder (SoMPEGRenderer *recorder)
 Sets the recorder used for MPEG encoding.
virtual SoMPEGRenderergetMPEGRecorder () const
 Returns the recorder used for MPEG encoding.
void viewX (bool reverse=false)
 Selects axial view.
void viewY (bool reverse=false)
 Selects frontal view.
void viewZ (bool reverse=false)
 Selects sagittal view.
SoNodegetSceneRoot ()
 Returns the scene root of the viewer (drawstyle, camera and headlight + user scene graph) or the user scene graph if there's no scene root.
virtual void spinCamera (const SbVec2f &newLocator)
 Spins the camera based on cursor motion.
virtual void spinConstrainedCamera (const SbVec2f &newLocator, int axisIndex)
 Spin the camera based on cursor motion but constrained to rotation around one axis.
void startSpinAnimation ()
 Starts the spin animation.
void stopSpinAnimation ()
 Stops the spin animation.
virtual void doSpinAnimation ()
 Rotate the camera for spin animation.
SbProjectorgetSheetProjector () const
 Returns the sheet projector.
SbSphereSheetProjectorgetSphereSheetProjector () const
 Returns the sphere sheet projector and NULL if the current projection is not spherical.
void activateSpinning ()
 Set sphere sheet starting point and resets the animation queue.
void rotateCamera (const SbRotation &rot)
 Rotates the camera around focal point by given incremental rotation (Given rotation is concatenated onto the current camera rotation).
void constrainCameraRotation (bool x=false, bool y=false, bool z=false)
 Constrains the camera to spin around the specified axis.
void setPlane (const SbVec3f &newNormal, const SbVec3f &newRight)
 Moves the camera to be aligned with the given plane.
void calculateMaxSpeed ()
 Calculates the maximum speed of the animation.
void changeMaxStraightSpeed (SbBool increase)
 Computes the maximum straight speed.
void setMinSpeed (float speed)
 Sets the minimum speed.
float getMinSpeed () const
 Returns the minimum speed.
void setMaxSpeed (float speed)
 Sets the maximum speed.
float getMaxSpeed () const
 Returns the maximum speed.
void setSpeedLimit (float limit)
 Sets the speed limit.
float getSpeedLimit () const
 Returns the speed limit.
void setCurrentSpeed (float speed)
 Sets the current speed.
float getCurrentSpeed () const
 Returns the current speed.
void setMaxStraightSpeed (float speed)
 Sets the maximum straight speed.
float getMaxStraightSpeed () const
 Returns the maximum straight speed.
void setMaxSpeedInc (float increment)
 Sets maximum speed multiplier.
float getMaxSpeedInc () const
 Returns maximum speed multiplier.
void startFlyAnimation ()
 Starts the walk animation.
void stopFlyAnimation ()
 Stops the walk animation.
void activateFlying ()
 Initializes flying animation.
void updateCameraFocalPoint ()
 Updates focal distance.
void setWalkViewerAnimMode (WalkViewerMode mode)
 Sets the camera animation for walk viewers regarding the mode.
SoGuiAlgoViewers::WalkViewerMode getWalkViewerAnimMode () const
 Returns the current mode for the walk viewer camera animation.
void startWalkAnimation ()
 Starts the walk animation.
void stopWalkAnimation ()
 Stops the walk animation.
void rotateCamera ()
 Rotates the camera around focal point by given incremental rotation (Given rotation is concatenated onto the current camera rotation).
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoStereoViewer
virtual ~SoStereoViewer ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoGuiAlgoViewers
static SoType getClassTypeId ()
 Returns the type identifier for this class.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 49 of file SoGuiWalkViewer.h.

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