Class SoFXAAParameters

    • Constructor Detail

      • SoFXAAParameters

        public SoFXAAParameters​(int qualityPreset,
                                float subPixQuality,
                                float edgeThresholdQuality,
                                float edgeThresholdMin)
        Constructor which takes a value for each possible parameter.

        qualityPreset - Quality value in the range [10;15] , [20;29] or equal to 39.

        subPixQuality - Chooses the amount of sub-pixel aliasing removal (1.0 upper limit = softer, 0.0 = off).

        edgeThresholdQuality - The minimum amount of local contrast required to apply algorithm (0.333 = too little but faster, 0.063 = overkill and slower).

        edgeThresholdMin - Trims the algorithm from processing darks (0.0833 = upper limit the start of visible unfiltered edges, 0.0625 = high quality and faster, 0.0312 = visible limit but slower).
    • Method Detail

      • getSubPixQuality

        public float getSubPixQuality()
        Returns the subPixQuality parameter.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • getQualityPreset

        public int getQualityPreset()
        Returns the quality preset.
      • getEdgeThresholdMin

        public float getEdgeThresholdMin()
        Returns the edgeThresholdMinimum parameter.
      • getEdgeThresholdQuality

        public float getEdgeThresholdQuality()
        Returns the edgeThresholdQuality parameter.