Class SoBevelPropertyElement

  • public class SoBevelPropertyElement
    extends SoReplacedElement
    Stores various beveling attributes. This element stores various beveling attributes.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • setRadius

        public static void setRadius​(SoState state,
                                     SoNode node)
        Calls setRadius(state, node, com.openinventor.inventor.nodes.SoBevelProperty.DEFAULT_RADIUS).
      • isAbsoluteRadius

        public boolean isAbsoluteRadius()
        Gets the bevel properties (absolute radius).
      • getInstance

        public static SoBevelPropertyElement getInstance​(SoState state)
        Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state.
      • getClassStackIndex

        public static int getClassStackIndex()
        As of Open Inventor replaced by SoElement.getClassStackIndex(Class)
        Returns the stack id for this element. ] *
      • isCoplanarTestEnabled

        public boolean isCoplanarTestEnabled()
        Method to know if this test is enabled. If it is, this test will be performed on each shape before the bevel.
      • getAngle

        public float getAngle()
        Gets the bevel properties (angle).
      • getRadius

        public float getRadius()
        Gets the bevel properties (radius).
      • getTestsToDoBeforeBevel

        public int getTestsToDoBeforeBevel()
        Method to know the different tests currently selected; these tests will be performed on each shape before beveling is applied.
      • setAbsoluteRadius

        public static void setAbsoluteRadius​(SoState state,
                                             SoNode node,
                                             float name_8648)
        Sets the bevel radius as an absolute value.
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Gets the bevel properties (enabled flag).
      • setTests

        public static void setTests​(SoState state,
                                    SoNode node,
                                    int name_8651)
        Allows the user to switch on/off the tests applied before the bevel (can increase speed when the tests are not needed).
      • isDuplicateTestEnabled

        public boolean isDuplicateTestEnabled()
        Method to know if this test is enabled. If it is, this test will be performed on each shape before the bevel.
      • setAngle

        public static void setAngle​(SoState state,
                                    SoNode node,
                                    float name_8642)
        Sets the bevel angle: if 2 adjacent faces make a greater angle, then their common edge is beveled.
      • isOrderingTestEnabled

        public boolean isOrderingTestEnabled()
        Method to know if this test is enabled. If it is, this test will be performed on each shape before the bevel.
      • setRadius

        public static void setRadius​(SoState state,
                                     SoNode node,
                                     float name_8645)
        Sets the bevel radius as a percentage [0.0, 1.0] of the greater value of the length of each edge.