Class SoTranSender

  • public class SoTranSender
    extends Inventor
    Sends database changes for transcription. This class is used for transcribing Open Inventor data. Transcription is the process of packaging changes to a database and sending them over a "wire" to another database.

    The SoTranSender class is used on the sending side of transcription. It packages up changes to an Open Inventor database into a file or memory area defined by an SoOutput instance. It supports a limited set of changes to a database; each change is stored as a command in the transcription area. The SoTranReceiver class can be used at the other end to interpret the transcribed commands.

    See Also:
    SoOutput, SoTranReceiver
    • Constructor Detail

      • SoTranSender

        public SoTranSender​(SoOutput output)

        output - Determines what the transcription area is (file or memory).
    • Method Detail

      • getOutput

        public SoOutput getOutput()

        The current SoOutput instance.

      • replace

        public void replace​(SoNode parent,
                            int n,
                            SoNode newNode)
        Adds a REPLACE command to the transcription area. The nth child of the given (non-NULL) parent node on the receiving end will be replaced with newNode .
      • prepareToSend

        public void prepareToSend()
        Prepares an SoTranSender instance for transcription, making sure the transcription area is complete and all packaged to go. This must be called before the transcription can be performed.
      • modify

        public void modify​(SoNode node)
        Adds a MODIFY command to the transcription area. Updates the field data for the given node to the new contents. Note that this changes only field data; children of groups are not affected, nor is any non-field instance data.
      • remove

        public void remove​(SoNode parent,
                           int n)
        Adds a REMOVE command to the transcription area. The nth child of the given (non-NULL) parent node on the receiving end will be removed.
      • insert

        public void insert​(SoNode node)
        Adds an INSERT command to the transcription area. The given node will be added as the last child of the root node on the receiving end.
      • insert

        public void insert​(SoNode node,
                           SoNode parent,
                           int n)
        Adds an INSERT command to the transcription area. The given node will be added as the nth child of the given parent node on the receiving end. A NULL parent node causes the node to be added to the receiving end's root node.