Class PbGrid2D

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    PbCartesianGrid2D, PbPolarGrid2D, PbRegularCartesianGrid2D

    public class PbGrid2D
    extends PbMesh2D
    Defines an abstract grid surface mesh. This class defines a mesh of which topology is a regular grid made of num_x * num_y nodes. Each node with index (i, j) in the mesh (except for points along the mesh border) is connected to four points with indices (i+1,j), (i,j+1), (i-1,j), (i,j-1).

    The values on the mesh nodes are defined by the PbMesh.addValuesSet() method, where val argument is an array of num_x * num_y floats.

    • Method Detail

      • getDim

        public int[] getDim()
        Gets the dimensions num_x, num_y of the grid.
      • setGeometry

        public void setGeometry​(int num_x,
                                int num_y,
                                float[] x,
                                float[] y)
        Defines a 2D surface mesh geometry. The size of the x array depends on the derived class that calls this method. It is either num_x or num_x * num_y. Idem for y array.
      • getNodeIndices

        public int[] getNodeIndices​(int nod_index)
        Calculates indices i,j that verify nod_index = i*num_y + j.
      • getNodeCoord

        public SbVec3f getNodeCoord​(int i,
                                    int j)
        Gets the coordinates of a node defined by its i,j indices on the grid.
      • setGeometry

        public void setGeometry​(int num_x,
                                int num_y,
                                float[] x,
                                float[] y,
                                float[] z)
        Defines a 3D surface mesh geometry. The size of the x array depends on the derived class that calls this method. It is either num_x or num_x * num_y. Idem for y array. The size of z array is always num_x * num_y.
      • getCellIndices

        public int[] getCellIndices​(int cell_index)
        Calculates indices i,j that verify cell_index = i*(num_y-1) + j.