Class MiCellExtractHexahedronIjk

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    MiBaseExtractor, MiExtractorIjk

    public abstract class MiCellExtractHexahedronIjk
    extends MiCellExtractIjk
    Cell extractor for an IJK hexahedron volume mesh.

    Extracts a list of cells from the input IJK hexahedron volume mesh and builds a surface mesh representing the extracted cells.

    • Method Detail

      • extractScalarSet

        public abstract MeXScalardSetI extractScalarSet​(MiScalardSetI scalarSet)
        Extracts a PER_NODE scalar set from the original mesh. The scalars are mapped onto the current extracted mesh.

        Note: The argument i of the method MiScalardSetI.get(long) refers to the i-th node of the mesh. Thus the binding of the input set must be PER_NODE. An UnsupportedOperationException is thrown otherwise.

        scalarSet - the input scalar set defined on the volume mesh
        the output scalar set defined on the extracted mesh
      • extractVec3Set

        public abstract MeXVec3dSetI extractVec3Set​(MiVec3dSetI vectorSet)
        Extracts a PER_NODE vector set from the original mesh. The vectors are mapped onto the current extracted mesh.

        Note: The argument i of the method MiVec3dSetI.get(long) refers to the i-th node of the mesh. Thus the binding of the input set must be PER_NODE. An UnsupportedOperationException is thrown otherwise.

        vectorSet - the input vector set defined on the volume mesh
        the output vector set defined on the extracted mesh
      • extractStringSet

        public abstract MeXStringSetI extractStringSet​(MiStringSetI stringSet)
        Extracts a PER_NODE string set from the original mesh. The strings are mapped onto the current extracted mesh.

        Note: The argument i of the method MiStringSetI.get(long) refers to the i-th node of the mesh. Thus the binding of the input set must be PER_NODE. An UnsupportedOperationException is thrown otherwise.

        stringSet - the input string set defined on the volume mesh
        the output string set defined on the extracted mesh