Class SoVolumeRendering

    • Method Detail

      • getReadAlternateRep

        public static boolean getReadAlternateRep()
        Returns the readAlternateRep flag.
      • getWriteAlternateRep

        public static boolean getWriteAlternateRep()
        Returns the writeAlternateRep flag.
      • setReadAlternateRep

        public static void setReadAlternateRep​(boolean flag)
        Sets the readAlternateRep flag.
        When this flag is true while reading an Open Inventor file, any alternateRep subgraphs attached to VolumeViz nodes are read and added to the scene graph. Otherwise, alternateRep subgraphs are discarded and the alternateRep field is set to NULL. The default is false.
      • getDelayedRendering

        public static boolean getDelayedRendering()
        As of Open Inventor No longer used.
        Returns the delayedRendering flag.

        Warning Deprecated since Open Inventor 9000. No longer used.

      • isSupported

        public static SoVolumeRendering.HW_SupportStatus isSupported​(SoVolumeRendering.HW_Features feature)
        Returns information about hardware support for various volume rendering features. This query is only valid after SoVolumeRendering.init has been called. Otherwise the return value will be UNKNOWN.

        When using a debug build of Open Inventor, some "no context available" warning messages may be generated. You can ignore them or see SoGLExtension for an example of using SoGLContext to avoid them.

      • setDelayedRendering

        public static void setDelayedRendering​(boolean flag)
        As of Open Inventor This is now automaticaly done only if necessary.
        Sets the delayedRendering flag. Default is false.
        When this flag is true , VolumeViz drawing nodes (e.g., SoOrthoSlice) are rendered in a delayed pass (until after all opaque objects) and/or sorted according to the current transparency type (see SoGLRenderAction). This may result in a more correct image if there is opaque geometry intersecting the volume. However delayed/sorted rendering may slightly decrease performance. This flag may also be set using the IVVR_DELAY_RENDER environment variable.

        Warning Deprecated since Open Inventor 9000. This is now automaticaly done only if necessary.

      • setWriteAlternateRep

        public static void setWriteAlternateRep​(boolean flag)
        Sets the writeAlternateRep flag.
        When this flag is true during an SoWriteAction traversal, some VolumeViz nodes will write an alternateRep subgraph containing only standard Open Inventor nodes that can be rendered even without VolumeViz. For example, SoOrthoSlice will write an SoTexture2 node and an SoFaceSet node. The default is false.