Package com.openinventor.volumeviz.nodes
Class Summary Class Description SoFenceSlice Fence slice shape node.SoHeightFieldGeometry Height field data node.SoHeightFieldProperty Height field property node.SoHeightFieldPropertyMask Height field mask node.SoHeightFieldRender Heightfield rendering node.SoObliqueSlice Oblique slice shape node.SoOffscreenVolumeRender Extract data from anSoVolumeRender
.SoOrthoSlice Ortho slice shape node.SoSlice Abstract base class for slice shape nodes.SoUniformGridClipping Clips a volume using a 2D surface.SoUniformGridProjectionClipping Clips a volume with the depth map projection of a shape.SoVolumeBufferedShape Buffered shape node for volume data.SoVolumeClippingGroup Clipping a volume with a 3D object.SoVolumeData Volume data property node.SoVolumeDataDrawStyle Volume draw style.SoVolumeFaceSet Polygonal face shape node for volume data.SoVolumeGroup Groups multiple volumes to be volume rendered in the same scene.SoVolumeIndexedFaceSet Indexed polygonal face shape node for volume data.SoVolumeIndexedTriangleStripSet Indexed triangle strip set shape node for volume data.SoVolumeIsosurface Isosurface property node.SoVolumeMask Volume mask.SoVolumeMaskGroup Volume mask group.SoVolumeRender Renders data volumes using direct volume rendering.SoVolumeRendering Initializes the VolumeViz module database.SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality Volume rendering physical quality property node.SoVolumeRenderingQuality Volume rendering quality property mode.SoVolumeShader Shader node for volume rendering.SoVolumeShape SoVolumeSkin Draws a data volume skin.SoVolumeTransform Transform data before texture creation.SoVolumeTriangleStripSet Triangle strip set shape node for volume data. -
Enum Summary Enum Description SoFenceSlice.AxisType SoHeightFieldRender.BoundaryCellsType Boundary cells mode.SoOffscreenVolumeRender.ComponentsType SoOrthoSlice.AxisType Slice Axis (see discussion of medical data axes in the class description)SoOrthoSlice.ClippingSides Clipping Side mode.SoSlice.AlphaUses Alpha component usage mode Used in thealphaUse
field.SoUniformGridClipping.AxisType Slice Axis.SoVolumeData.Axis Which axis to handle.SoVolumeData.CoordinateTypes Coordinate type used by this data set.SoVolumeData.OverMethods Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Volume rendering style.SoVolumeFaceSet.Interpolations Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Abort code for callback.SoVolumeRender.LowResModes Method to use when moving in low resolution.SoVolumeRender.NumSlicesControls Number of samples control mode.SoVolumeRender.RenderModes Composition mode.SoVolumeRender.SamplingAlignments Sampling alignment.SoVolumeRendering.HW_Features Hardware Features Mode.SoVolumeRendering.HW_SupportStatus Hardware Features support status.SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality.EnvironmentMaps List of available Environment Maps for Physically Based Lighting.SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality.PredefinedMaterials List of available predefined materials.SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality.ShadingStyles List of available shading styles.SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality.ShadowsStyles List of available types of shadows.SoVolumeRenderingPhysicalQuality.ToneMappings List of available Tone Mapping algorithms for Physically Based Lighting.SoVolumeRenderingQuality.EdgeDetect2DMethods The edge detection algorithm used whenedgeDetect2D
is true, can work on the image luminance, depth buffer and/or gradient.SoVolumeRenderingQuality.GradientQualities Gradient Quality mode.SoVolumeRenderingQuality.LightingModels Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Specifies the position of the shader pipeline stages in the fieldshaderObject
.SoVolumeShape.Compositions Deprecated. As of Open Inventor Interpolation mode.SoVolumeSkin.FaceModes Use this enum with thefaceMode
field.SoVolumeTriangleStripSet.Interpolations Deprecated. As of Open Inventor