Click or drag to resize
OIV.Inventor.Actions Namespace
Public classActionMethodList
Maintains a list of method to call, one for each node type.
Public classEnabledElementsList
Represents the list of elements allowed for a specific action.
Public classSoAction

Baseclass for all actions.

Public classSoBevelAction

Creates a scene graph containing beveled shapes.

Public classSoBoxHighlightRenderAction

A box highlight style.

Public classSoCallbackAction

Performs a generic traversal of a scene graph or path.

Public classSoColorHighlightRenderAction

A polygon selection highlight style.

Public classSoDistributeAction

Computes a distribution of the scene graph for use in depth compositing in ScaleViz.

Public classSoGetBoundingBoxAction

Computes bounding box of a scene.

Public classSoGetMatrixAction

Computes transformation matrix for a subgraph.

Public classSoGetPrimitiveCountAction

Counts number of primitives in scene.

Public classSoGlobalSimplifyAction

Traverses the scene graph and collects all the triangles in a single list.

Public classSoGLRenderAction

Renders a scene graph using Open Inventor's Render Engine.

Public classSoHaloHighlightRenderAction

A halo highlight style.

Public classSoHandleEventAction

Allows nodes in a graph to receive input events.

Public classSoHighlightRenderAction

Abstract base class for Highlight Render Actions.

Public classSoLineHighlightRenderAction

A wireframe highlight style.

Public classSoNurbsBREPAction
Public classSoPickAction

Abstract base class for picking objects in a scene.

Public classSoRayPickAction

Intersects objects with a ray cast into scene.

Public classSoReorganizeAction

Reorganizes the scene graph by grouping shapes with common properties, then groups these shapes in a single shape and runs the simplifier on it.

Public classSoSearchAction

Searches for nodes in a scene graph.

Public classSoSearchPathAction

Searches for a node in a scene graph using a sequence of search criteria.

Public classSoSearchStepAction

Searches for nodes in the scene graph step by step.

Public classSoShapeSimplifyAction

Simplify action that replaces shapes within a scene graph with versions that contain fewer triangles.

Public classSoSimplifyAction

Abstract base class for simplifying scene graphs.

Public classSoSplitGeometryAction

Split large geometry into smaller objects to improve culling for multi-pipe rendering.

Public classSoToHTMLAction

Generates an HTML image map and an image from a scene graph.

Public classSoWriteAction

Writes a scene graph to a file.

Public delegatePerformAction
Represents the method that will define the action behavior when traversing a node type.
Public delegateSoCallbackActionCallbackActionCB

The SoCallbackActionCB typedef is defined within the class, since it needs to refer to the Response enumerated type.

Public delegateSoCallbackActionLineSegmentCB

Typedefs for callback routine used with the callbacks for generating line segments primitives.

Public delegateSoCallbackActionPointCB

Typedefs for callback routine used with the callbacks for generating points primitives.

Public delegateSoCallbackActionTriangleCB

Typedef for callback routine used with the callbacks for generating triangles primitives.

Public delegateSoGLRenderActionAbortCB

Callback functions for render abort should be of this type.

Public delegateSoGLRenderActionPassCB

Callback functions used between rendering passes should be of this type.

Public delegateSoSearchStepActionAddingPathCB
Public delegateSoSplitGeometryActionPreCallback

User pre-split callback.

Public enumerationSoActionAppliedCodes

This enum is used to determine what the action is being applied to.

Public enumerationSoActionDistribModes

This is used to define the way an action is distributed across a cluster.

Public enumerationSoActionPathCodes

This enum may be used during traversal of nodes to indicate where the node is with respect to the path being traversed.

Public enumerationSoCallbackActionResponses

Possible responses from a pre or post callback.

Public enumerationSoDistributeActionDistributeMethods

Algorithms for scene graph distribution.

Public enumerationSoGetBoundingBoxActionResetTypes

Set a path to do a resetTransform/resetBoundingBox on.

Public enumerationSoGlobalSimplifyActionStrategies


Public enumerationSoGLRenderActionAbortCodes

Possible return codes from a render abort callback.

Public enumerationSoGLRenderActionAutoCacheModes

Two bits are stored.

Public enumerationSoGLRenderActionFastEditSavePolicies

Fast edit traversal types.

Public enumerationSoGLRenderActionInvalidateCacheModes

Invalidate cache mode.

Public enumerationSoGLRenderActionTransparencyTypes

Transparency rendering algorithm.

Public enumerationSoRayPickActionPickingModes
Public enumerationSoSearchActionInterests

Enum that defines which paths to return.

Public enumerationSoSearchActionLookFors

Enum that defines the search criterion.

Public enumerationSoToHTMLActionComponents

Components used to generate the image.

Public enumerationSoToHTMLActionImageFormats

Defines the format of the image.

Public enumerationSoToHTMLActionShapeTypes

Defines the different shape type for maps.
