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SoVolumeRenderDetail Class

Stores detail information about a picked voxel or pick ray in a data volume.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.VolumeViz.Details
Assembly: OIV.VolumeViz (in OIV.VolumeViz.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoVolumeRenderDetail : SoVolumeDetail

The SoVolumeRenderDetail type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoVolumeRenderDetail


Public methodClone (Inherited from SoDetail.)
Public methodCopy

Returns an instance that is a copy of this instance.

(Overrides SoVolumeDetailCopy.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetFirstNonTransparentValue(Double, SbVec3i32)
Calls GetFirstNonTransparentValue(value, pos, objPos, false).
(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetFirstNonTransparentValue(Int64, SbVec3i32)
Calls GetFirstNonTransparentValue(value, pos, objPos, false).
(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetFirstNonTransparentValue(Double, SbVec3i32, SbVec3f)
Calls GetFirstNonTransparentValue(value, pos, objPos, false).
(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetFirstNonTransparentValue(Int64, SbVec3i32, SbVec3f)
Calls GetFirstNonTransparentValue(value, pos, objPos, false).
(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetFirstNonTransparentValue(Double, SbVec3i32, SbVec3f, Boolean)

Retrieves the value and position of the first non-transparent voxel along the pick ray (if any).

(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetFirstNonTransparentValue(Int64, SbVec3i32, SbVec3f, Boolean)

Retrieves the value and position of the first non-transparent voxel along the pick ray (if any).

(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetMaskCount
Calls GetMaskCount(false).
Public methodGetMaskCount(Boolean)

Returns the number of volume masks applied to the first non-transparent voxel.

Public methodGetProfileDataPos

Returns the number of values along the profile and the profile position in data space (voxel coordinates).

(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetProfileObjectPos

Returns the profile position in object space (world coordinates).

(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetProfileValue(Int32, SbVec3i32)
Calls GetProfileValue(index, pos, objPos, false).
(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetProfileValue(Int32, SbVec3i32, SbVec3f)
Calls GetProfileValue(index, pos, objPos, false).
(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetProfileValue(Int32, SbVec3i32, SbVec3f, Boolean)

Returns the index'th value (as an integer) and its position in object and data space.

(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetProfileValueD(Int32, SbVec3i32, SbVec3f)
Calls GetProfileValueD(index, pos, objPos, false).
(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetProfileValueD(Int32, SbVec3i32, SbVec3f, Boolean)

Returns the index'th value (as a double) and its position in object and data space.

(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodGetRgbaValues(Queue) Obsolete.
Calls GetRgbaValues(rgbaValues, -1.f).
Public methodGetRgbaValues(IListSbVec4ub)
Calls GetRgbaValues(rgbaValues, -1.f).
Public methodGetRgbaValues(Queue, Queue) Obsolete.
Calls GetRgbaValues(rgbaValues, objectPos, -1.f).
Public methodGetRgbaValues(Queue, Single) Obsolete.

Returns the RGBA value of each voxel intersected by the pick ray.

Public methodGetRgbaValues(IListSbVec4ub, IListSbVec3f)
Calls GetRgbaValues(rgbaValues, objectPos, -1.f).
Public methodGetRgbaValues(IListSbVec4ub, IListSbVec3i32)
Calls GetRgbaValues(rgbaValues, dataPos, -1.f).
Public methodGetRgbaValues(IListSbVec4ub, Single)

Returns the RGBA value of each voxel intersected by the pick ray.

Public methodGetRgbaValues(Queue, Queue, Single) Obsolete.

Returns the RGBA value and object space position of each voxel intersected by the pick ray.

Public methodGetRgbaValues(IListSbVec4ub, IListSbVec3f, Single)

Returns the RGBA value and object space position of each voxel intersected by the pick ray.

Public methodGetRgbaValues(IListSbVec4ub, IListSbVec3i32, Single)

Returns the RGBA value and data space position of each voxel intersected by the pick ray.

Public methodGetRgbaValues(Queue, Queue, Queue, Queue) Obsolete.
Calls GetRgbaValues(rgbaValues, objectPos, dataPos, tileIds, -1.f).
Public methodGetRgbaValues(IListSbVec4ub, IListSbVec3f, IListSbVec3i32, IListSoLDMTileID)
Calls GetRgbaValues(rgbaValues, objectPos, dataPos, tileIds, -1.f).
Public methodGetRgbaValues(Queue, Queue, Queue, Queue, Single) Obsolete.

Returns the RGBA value, object space position, data space position and tileId for each voxel intersected by the pick ray.

Public methodGetRgbaValues(IListSbVec4ub, IListSbVec3f, IListSbVec3i32, IListSoLDMTileID, Single)

Returns the RGBA value, object space position, data space position and tileId for each voxel intersected by the pick ray.

Public methodGetRgbaValuesTileIds

Returns the tileID of each voxel intersected by the pick ray.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVoxelStyleAndIsoValue(SoVolumeDataDrawStyleDrawStyles, Double)
Calls GetVoxelStyleAndIsoValue(style, iso, false).
Public methodGetVoxelStyleAndIsoValue(SoVolumeDataDrawStyleDrawStyles, Double, Boolean)

Returns the style applied to the first non-transparent voxel (and its isovalue if the style is OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoVolumeDataDrawStyle.DrawStyles.ISOSURFACE).

Public methodSetDetails
(Inherited from SoVolumeDetail.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

A successful pick operation returns an OIV.Inventor.SoPickedPoint object. If the picked geometry is an OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoVolumeRender node, use the getDetail method and cast the result to this class to get extra information about the the pick.

OIV.VolumeViz.Details.SoVolumeRenderDetail returns information about the first (closest) non-transparent voxel along the pick ray and/or information about all the voxels intersected by the pick ray (called a profile). For the first non-transparent voxel (if any) on the pick ray, it returns XYZ position, IJK location, and data value. For the profile defined by all the intersected voxels, it returns:

  • Profile position in object space (two XYZ points)

  • Profile location in the data volume (two IJK indices)

  • Number of values along the profile

  • Each voxel value and corresponding IJK location

Use the methods in OIV.VolumeViz.Details.SoVolumeDetail to get information about the data values of the picked voxels. Use the getRgba... methods in this class to get information about the mapped RGBA colors of the picked voxels. Because these methods return colors, they always return information based on the (possibly subsampled) tiles currently in memory.

GPU picking: Please see the discussion of GPU picking in OIV.VolumeViz.Details.SoVolumeDetail.


See Also