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SoDDSImageRW Class

Class for decoding a DDS raster image.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Image
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoDDSImageRW : SoRasterImageRW

The SoDDSImageRW type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoDDSImageRW


Public methodCheckRead

Checks if the specified file can be read.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodClose

Closes the reader/writer.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodEnableMultipleWriting

Enable writing image with multiple calls to write method.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetReadCapability

Returns the read capability of the raster format.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodGetSuffixes

Returns the list of file suffixes supported.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetWriteCapability

Returns the write capability of the raster format.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodIsMultipleBufferInverted

Returns the write order when using multiple buffers.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodIsMultipleWritingEnabled

Returns true if multiple buffer writing is enabled.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodOpen

Opens the reader/writer in the specified open mode.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodRead(SbRasterImage)
Calls Read(rasterImage, false).
(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodRead(SbRasterImage, Boolean)

Read the current open image into rasterImage.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodReadRegion

Read the specified region of current open image into rasterImage.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWrite(SbRasterImage)
Calls Write(rasterImage, System.UInt32(0), System.UInt32(0)).
(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodWrite(SbRasterImage, UInt32)
Calls Write(rasterImage, xPos, System.UInt32(0)).
(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodWrite(SbRasterImage, UInt32, UInt32)

Writes and encodes the given data in the specific format.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodWriteFooter
(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodWriteHeader(SbVec2i32)

Writes and encodes the header for this specific format.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)
Public methodWriteHeader(SbVec2s) Obsolete.

Writes and encodes the header for this specific format.

(Inherited from SoRasterImageRW.)

This class is used for decoding a DDS (DirectDraw Surface) raster image.

DDS files are faster to load and use less memory than other image file formats, because the compressed data is sent directly to the graphics device (no decompression is done on the CPU).

Formats: This class is able to read DDS files compressed with DXT1 with 1-bit Alpha, DXT3, and DXT5 compression. The other formats which can be contained by a DDS file (e.g. DXT2 and DXT4) are not currently supported.

Mipmaps: This format can also embed mipmaps (levels of resolution), but all levels (from higher resolution to a 1*1 pixel image) are not necessarily required. The OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoComplexity.textureQuality field has no effect on mipmap generation if the DDS file already embeds mipmaps.

NOTE: File encoding and writing is not currently supported.

See OIV.Inventor.Image.SoRasterImageRW for more information and code examples.

See Also