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SoVolumeHistogram Class

Volume Data Histogram.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.LDM
Assembly: OIV.LDM (in OIV.LDM.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoVolumeHistogram : SoNetBase

The SoVolumeHistogram type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoVolumeHistogram


Public methodAddValues(SoBufferObject, SbVec3i32)

Add to the histogram a 3D array of values.

Public methodAddValues(SoBufferObject, Int32)

Add to the histogram a 1D array of values.

Public methodAddValues(SoBufferObject, SbVec3i32, SbBox3i32)

Add to the histogram the values in the specified range inside the given array.

Public methodStatic memberComputeMinMax

Compute min max.

Public methodStatic memberComputeMinMaxWithUndefined

Compute min max.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetHistogram

Returns a 64 bit integer pointer to the histogram data, the size of the histogram array is () .

Public methodGetHistoSize Obsolete.

Returns the size of the histogram .

Public methodGetMax Obsolete.

Returns the max value of the dataset according to the specified data type .

Public methodGetMaxValue Obsolete.

Returns the max value of the dataset for integer data types .

Public methodGetMaxValueD Obsolete.

Returns the max value of the dataset for floating data types .

Public methodGetMin Obsolete.

Returns the max value of the dataset according to the specified data type .

Public methodGetMinValue Obsolete.

Returns the min value of the dataset for integer data types .

Public methodGetMinValueD Obsolete.

Returns the min value of the dataset for floating data types .

Public methodGetNumSignificantBits Obsolete.

Returns the number of significant bits for the dataset, only relevant for integer data types .

Public methodGetNumValues

Returns the histogram value corresponding to the entry.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUndefinedValue Obsolete.

return the current undefined value.

Public methodGetValue

Returns the value corresponding to the entry for integer data types.

Public methodGetValueD

Returns the value corresponding to the entry for floating data types.

Public methodSet(IListInt64)

Set the histogram.

Public methodSet(Queue) Obsolete.

Set the histogram.

Public methodSet(IListInt64, IListDouble)

Set the histogram.

Public methodSet(Queue, Queue) Obsolete.

Set the histogram.

Public methodSetInputValueRange

For floating data type, specifies the range the histogram has to be computed in.

Public methodSetUndefinedValue Obsolete.

Setup the undefined value to ignore when computing the histogram.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyHistoSize

Returns the size of the histogram .

Public propertyMax

Returns the max value of the dataset according to the specified data type .

Public propertyMaxValue

Returns the max value of the dataset for integer data types .

Public propertyMaxValueD

Returns the max value of the dataset for floating data types .

Public propertyMin

Returns the max value of the dataset according to the specified data type .

Public propertyMinValue

Returns the min value of the dataset for integer data types .

Public propertyMinValueD

Returns the min value of the dataset for floating data types .

Public propertyNumSignificantBits

Returns the number of significant bits for the dataset, only relevant for integer data types .

Public propertyUndefinedValue

Setup the undefined value to ignore when computing the histogram.


This class allows building a histogram from a dataset or a portion of a dataset.

To implement the histogram computation, follow the steps below:

OIV.LDM.SoVolumeHistogram has different behavior depending on the datatype:

  • For integer data types:

    • If sizeof(dataType) == 1, histogram will have 256 bins with a bin width of 1.

    • Else, histogram will have 65536 bins with a bin width of (Datatype_max - DataType_min) / 65536.

  • For floating types: The Histogram will have 65536 bins with a bin width of (rangeMax - rangeMin) / 65536, where rangeMin and rangeMax are specified with OIV.LDM.SoVolumeHistogram.SetInputValueRange(System.Double, System.Double).

See Also