SoDataSet Class |
Data set node.
Namespace: OIV.LDM.Nodes
The SoDataSet type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AffectsState | Returns true if a node has an effect on the state during traversal. | |
Callback | (Overrides SoNodeCallback(SoCallbackAction).) | |
Copy | Calls Copy(false). (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
Copy(Boolean) | Creates and returns an exact copy of the node. | |
CopyFieldValues(SoFieldContainer) | Calls CopyFieldValues(fc, false). (Inherited from SoFieldContainer.) | |
CopyFieldValues(SoFieldContainer, Boolean) | Copies the contents of fc's fields into this object's fields. | |
DataSize | Returns the number of bytes per voxel of the specified data type. | |
Dispose |
Releases all resources used by SoDisposable.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.) | |
Distribute | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
DoAction | (Overrides SoNodeDoAction(SoAction).) | |
EditBoxes | Replace all voxels in the region defined by a list of boxes with the specified value. | |
EditSolidShape | Replaces all voxels intersecting the given shape with the specified value. | |
EditSubVolume(SbBox3i32, SoBufferObject) | Replaces the contents of a subvolume with the given data. | |
EditSubVolume(SbBox3i32, Double) | Replaces the contents of a subvolume with the specified value. | |
EditSurfaceShape | Replaces all voxels intersecting the polygons or lines defined by the surfaceShape and given thickness with the specified value. | |
EditTile(SoLDMTileID, SoBufferObject) | Replaces the contents of a tile with the given data. | |
EditTile(SoLDMTileID, Double) | Replaces the contents of a tile with the specified value. | |
EnableNotify | Notification at this Field Container is enabled (if flag == true) or disabled (if flag == false). | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
FieldsAreEqual | Returns true if this object's fields are exactly equal to fc's fields. | |
FinishEditing | Terminates an editing transaction. | |
Get | Returns the values of the fields of this object in the Open Inventor ASCII file format in the given string. | |
GetAllFields | Returns a list of fields, including the eventIn's and eventOut's. | |
GetAlternateRep | This method is called by actions to allow the node to provide an "alternate representation" when appropriate (typically depending on the action type). | |
GetBoundingBox | (Overrides SoNodeGetBoundingBox(SoGetBoundingBoxAction).) | |
GetDataSize | Returns the number of bytes per voxel in VolumeViz. | |
GetDataType | Returns the data type. | |
GetDatumSize | Returns the number of bytes per voxel. | |
GetDimension | Returns the data set dimension. | |
GetEventIn | Returns a the eventIn with the given name. | |
GetEventOut | Returns the eventOut with the given name. | |
GetField | Returns a the field of this object whose name is fieldName. | |
GetFieldName | Returns the name of the given field in the fieldName argument. | |
GetFields | Appends references to all of this object's fields to resultList, and returns the number of fields appended. | |
GetHashCode |
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.) | |
GetLdmDataAccess | Returns a reference to the OIV.LDM.SoLDMDataAccess object. | |
GetLDMReader | Returns a pointer to the current data set reader object. | |
GetLDMTopoOctree | Returns the LDMTopoOctree used by this OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoDataSet. | |
GetMatrix | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
GetMaxNumDataSets | Returns the maximum number of data sets that can be render composited on the current hardware (essentially the number of texture units - 1). | |
GetMinMax(Double, Double) | Returns min and max values of the data set. | |
GetMinMax(Int64, Int64) | Returns min and max values of the data set data. | |
GetName | Returns the name of an instance. | |
GetOverlapping | Obsolete. | |
GetPrimitiveCount | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
GetReader | Obsolete. Returns the current data set reader object. | |
GetRenderEngineMode | Returns the supported Render engine mode. | |
GetRenderUnitID | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
GetStringName | (Inherited from SoBase.) | |
GetTileDimension | Returns the tile dimension. | |
GetTileIDInMemory | Debug purpose only. | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GLRender | (Overrides SoNodeGLRender(SoGLRenderAction).) | |
GLRenderBelowPath | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
GLRenderInPath | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
GLRenderOffPath | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
GrabEventsCleanup | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
GrabEventsSetup | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
HandleEvent | (Overrides SoNodeHandleEvent(SoHandleEventAction).) | |
HasDefaultValues | Returns true if all of the object's fields have their default values. | |
HasEditedTile | Returns true if DataSet has edited tiles. | |
IsBoundingBoxIgnoring | This method is used by getBoundingBox action traversal to know if the current node must be traversed or not, ie the bounding should be ignored. | |
IsDataFloat | Returns true if the given data type is a float data type. | |
IsDataInMemory | Indicates whether the data attached to a tile is in main memory. | |
IsDataSigned | Returns true if the given data type is a signed integer data type. | |
IsInMemory | Indicates whether a tile is in main memory. | |
IsNotifyEnabled | Notification is the process of telling interested objects that this object has changed. | |
IsOverride | Returns the state of the override flag. | |
IsSynchronizable | Gets the ScaleViz synchronizable state of this object. | |
NumSigBits | Returns the number of significant bits. | |
Pick | (Overrides SoNodePick(SoPickAction).) | |
RayPick | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
ReadTile(SoBufferObject, SoLDMTileID, Boolean) | Copies the specified tile into the provided buffer. | |
ReadTile(SoLDMTileID, SoBufferObject, Boolean) | Copies the specified tile into the provided buffer. | |
ReadTile(SoLDMTileID, Byte, Boolean) | Obsolete. | |
RedoEditing | Redo all modifications associated with the specified transaction id. | |
ResetReader | ||
SaveEditing |
Save modifications to a file.
| |
SaveEditing(Boolean) |
Save modifications to a file.
| |
SaveEditing(Boolean, IListString) |
Save modifications to a file.
| |
Search | (Inherited from SoNode.) | |
Set | Sets one or more fields in this object to the values specified in the given string, which should be a string in the Open Inventor file format. | |
SetLDMReader | Sets the LDM volume reader object to use. | |
SetName | (Inherited from SoBase.) | |
SetOverride | Turns the override flag on or off. | |
SetReader(SoVolumeReader) | Obsolete. Calls SetReader(reader, false). | |
SetReader(SoVolumeReader, Boolean) | Obsolete. This method allows the data to be read directly from the disk using the specified subclass of OIV.LDM.Readers.SoVolumeReader. | |
SetSynchronizable | Sets this to be a ScaleViz synchronizable object. | |
SetToDefaults | Sets all fields in this object to their default values. | |
StartEditing | Initiate an editing transaction. | |
ToString |
Converts this SoBase structure to a human readable string.
(Inherited from SoBase.) | |
Touch | Marks an instance as modified, simulating a change to it. | |
UndoEditing | Undo all modifications associated with the specified transaction id. | |
UseFakeData | Creates fake data in buffer. | |
VoxelToXYZ(SbBox3f) | Converts the specified box in voxel coordinates (I,J,K) to geometric coordinates (X,Y,Z). | |
VoxelToXYZ(SbVec3f) | Converts the specified point in voxel coordinates (I,J,K) to geometric coordinates (X,Y,Z). | |
Write | (Overrides SoNodeWrite(SoWriteAction).) | |
WriteTile | Write the specified tile using the specified writer. | |
XYZToVoxel(SbBox3f) | Converts the specified box in geometric coordinates to voxel coordinates. | |
XYZToVoxel(SbVec3f) | Converts the specified point in geometric coordinates (X,Y,Z) to voxel coordinates (I,J,K). |
Name | Description | |
allocateResourceOnRender | Indicates if resource allocation is done only on first render traversal or as soon as the node is created. | |
dataSetId | When using multiple OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoDataSet nodes, the OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoDataSet.dataSetId field uniquely identifies each data set used in the compositing. | |
dataTransform | If set to an appropriate OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoLDMDataTransform object, the object's transformFunction method is called after each tile is loaded, but before it is stored in main memory. | |
extent | The real size (extent) of the volume in modeling coordinates. | |
fileName | Indicates the file location containing the data set. | |
IsDisposable | ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.) | |
LDMDataTransformCallback | Obsolete. If set, the user-defined function is called after each tile is loaded, but before it is stored in main memory. | |
ldmResourceParameters | Contains an OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoLDMResourceParameters object which allows you to set LDM resource parameters. | |
Reader | Returns the current data set reader object. | |
texturePrecision | For scalar (non-RGBA) data, specifies the size of voxel values on the GPU in bits. | |
undefinedValue | Data with this value won't be rendered. | |
useCompressedTexture | Controls use of OpenGL lossy texture compression for RGBA data (if available). | |
UserData |
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.) | |
valueInterpretation | Specifies if this dataset corresponds or does not correspond to a segmented image. |
This class specifies a data set and its properties, and also provides utilities for extracting a subset of the data set and for resampling the data set. The data can be read directly from a file or can be accessed via a user-defined volume reader. This class is the parent class of the VolumeViz data nodes: OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoVolumeData, OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoHeightFieldGeometry, OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoHeightFieldProperty, etc. Those nodes provide the data for VolumeViz rendering nodes: OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoVolumeRender, OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoOrthoSlice, OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoObliqueSlice, etc. See OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoVolumeData for more details about loading and managing volume data.
The data set can be specified by:
Setting the OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoDataSet.fileName field This implies that the data set is stored on disk, in one of the file formats for which LDM has a built-in reader. LDM will automatically select a reader based on the file extension, for example ".am" for the AmiraMesh file format.
Calling the OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoDataSet.SetReader(OIV.LDM.Readers.SoVolumeReader, System.Boolean) method This is the most general method because an application can specify one of the standard LDM readers or implement a customized subclass of OIV.LDM.Readers.SoVolumeReader. LDM will get the data set properties (dimensions, size, data type, etc) and access the data through the specified reader object. This allows the application to completely control how, and from where, the data is loaded.