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OIV.Inventor.Engines Namespace
Public classSoBoolOperation

Performs Boolean operations.

Public classSoCalculator

A general-purpose calculator.

Public classSoComposeMatrix

Composes a transformation matrix.

Public classSoComposeRotation

Composes a rotation from axis and angle values.

Public classSoComposeRotationFromTo

Composes a rotation that rotates from one vector into another.

Public classSoComposeVec2f

Composes 2D vectors from floating-point values.

Public classSoComposeVec2i32

Composes 2D vectors from int values.

Public classSoComposeVec2s

Composes 2D vectors from short values.

Public classSoComposeVec3f

Composes 3D vectors from floating-point values.

Public classSoComposeVec4f

Composes 4D vectors from floating-point values.

Public classSoComputeBoundingBox

Computes the bounding box and center of a scene graph.

Public classSoConcatenate

Joins separate fields into a single multiple-value field.

Public classSoCounter

Triggered integer counter.

Public classSoDecomposeMatrix

Decomposes transformation matrices into values for translation, rotation, and scale.

Public classSoDecomposeRotation

Decomposes rotation values.

Public classSoDecomposeVec2f

Decomposes 2D vectors into floating-point values.

Public classSoDecomposeVec2i32

Decomposes 2D vectors into int values.

Public classSoDecomposeVec2s

Decomposes 2D vectors into short values.

Public classSoDecomposeVec3f

Decomposes 3D vectors into floating-point values.

Public classSoDecomposeVec4f

Decomposes 4D vectors into floating-point values.

Public classSoElapsedTime

Basic controllable time source.

Public classSoEngine

Base class for all engines.

Public classSoEngineOutput

Class for all engine outputs.

Public classSoGate

Selectively copies its input to its output.

Public classSoInterpolate

Base class for all interpolator engines.

Public classSoInterpolateFloat

Interpolates floating-point values.

Public classSoInterpolateRotation

Interpolates rotation values.

Public classSoInterpolateVec2f

Interpolates 2D floating-point vectors.

Public classSoInterpolateVec3f

Interpolates 3D floating-point vectors.

Public classSoInterpolateVec4f

Interpolates 4D floating-point vectors.

Public classSoOneShot

Timer that runs for a pre-set amount of time.

Public classSoOnOff

Engine that functions as an on/off switch.

Public classSoSelectOne

Selects one value from a multiple-value field.

Public classSoTimeCounter

Timed integer counter.

Public classSoTrackFollower

Animates an object or camera along a track.

Public classSoTransformVec3f

Transforms a 3D vector by a 4x4 matrix.

Public classSoTriggerAny

Provides fan-in for triggers.
