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PoMesh2DVec Properties

The PoMesh2DVec type exposes the following members.

Public propertybodyColoringType

coloring method of the body.

Public propertybodyLengthFactor

Length (or length multiplicative factor) of the body shape.

Public propertybodyLengthType

If bodyLengthType = CONSTANT_LENGTH, each vector has the same body length = bodyLengthFactor .

Public propertybodyRadiusFactor

Radius (or radius multiplicative factor) of the cylinder.

Public propertybodyRadiusType

Defines type of method to compute the cylinder's radius.

Public propertybodyShape

Type of shape (no body, line, cylinder) used to draw the body.

Public propertyboundingBoxIgnoring

Whether to ignore this node during bounding box traversal.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public propertycoloringType

Defines the type of method used to color each mesh element, mesh edge or mesh contour line of a representation.

(Inherited from PoMesh.)
Public propertycreaseAngle

Indicates the minimum angle (in radians) between two adjacent face normals required to form a sharp crease at the edge when default normals are computed and used.

(Inherited from PoMesh.)
Public propertydensity

Vector field density filter.

Public propertyeliminationStatus

If eliminationStatus = TOO_SMALL, the vectors which module is lower than minLength are not drawn.

Public propertyendArrowColoringType

Coloring method of the end shape.

Public propertyendArrowHeightFactor

Height (or Height multiplicative factor) of the arrow shape.

Public propertyendArrowHeightType

Defines the type of method to compute the arrow height.

Public propertyendArrowRadiusFactor

The end-arrow's radius is end-arrow's height * endArrowRadiusFactor.

Public propertyendArrowShape

Type of shape to be drawn at the end point of the body.

Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertymaxLength

Maximum length of the vector to be drawn.

Public propertyminLength

Minimum length of the vector to be drawn.

Public propertymoduleDataMapping

Field used to do coloring according the module of the vectors.

(Inherited from PoMesh.)
Public propertysmoothTextureContouring

If set to true and combined with COLOR_TEXTURE_CONTOURING coloring type, the texture used for coloring appears smoothed, since a linear interpolation is used instead of a nearest one.

(Inherited from PoMesh.)
Public propertystartArrowColoringType

Coloring method of the start shape.

Public propertystartArrowHeightFactor

Height (or Height multiplicative factor) of the arrow shape.

Public propertystartArrowHeightType

Defines the type of method to compute the arrow height.

Public propertystartArrowRadiusFactor

The start-arrow's radius is start-arrow's height * startArrowRadiusFactor.

Public propertystartArrowShape

Type of shape to be drawn at the start point of the body.

Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public propertyvaluesIndex

Defines the index of the set of values for the coloring.

(Inherited from PoMesh.)
Public propertyvaluesIndexForCellFilter

Specifies the index of the set of values used to filter cells for this mesh representation.

(Inherited from PoMesh.)
Public propertyvecsIndex

Defines the index of the set of vectors for all representations which need a vector at each mesh node (OIV.MeshViz.Data.PoBaseStreamLine, OIV.MeshViz.Data.PoMesh2DVec, OIV.MeshViz.Data.PoMesh3DVec,...)

(Inherited from PoMesh.)
Public propertyzValuesIndex

Defines the index of the set of values used by a representation as a z-coordinate of each mesh node (-1 by default).

(Inherited from PoMesh2D.)
See Also