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SoDecimator Class

Encapsulates an algorithm for simplifying shapes through mesh decimation.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Simplifier
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: (
public class SoDecimator : SoSimplifier

The SoDecimator type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoDecimator


Public methodBeginShape

Starts a new shape, ShapeType defines which triangle organization to use.

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodClear

Removes all shapes and reset.

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodEndShape (Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetNumTriangles

Returns the number of triangles actually stored in the object.

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVerbosity

Gets whether to print messages while simplifying.

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodSetColor

Method to set optional vertex data (color).

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodSetData

Method to set optional vertex data (data).

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodSetNormal

Method to set optional vertex data (normal).

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodSetSimplifiedShapeType

Sets the shape type used for building the simplified node.

Public methodSetVerbosity

Sets whether to print messages while simplifying.

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodSetVertex

Specifies a new vertex location.

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodSimplify

Performs the simplification on the shapes and returns a simplified node.

(Inherited from SoSimplifier.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also