Class SbXfBox3f

  • public class SbXfBox3f
    extends SbBox3f
    3D box with an associated transformation matrix. A 3D box with an arbitrary transformation applied. This class is useful when a box will be transformed frequently; if an SbBox3f is used for this purpose it will expand each time it is transformed in order to keep itself axis-aligned. Transformations can be accumulated on an SbXfBox3f without expanding the box, and after all transformations have been done, the box can be expanded to an axis-aligned box if necessary.

    See Also:
    SbBox3f, SbBox2f, SbBox2s, SbVec3f, SbVec2f, SbVec2s, SbMatrix, SoGetBoundingBoxAction
    • Constructor Detail

      • SbXfBox3f

        public SbXfBox3f​(SbXfBox3f copyFrom)
      • SbXfBox3f

        public SbXfBox3f​(float[] components)
      • SbXfBox3f

        public SbXfBox3f()
        Constructor. The box is initially empty.
      • SbXfBox3f

        public SbXfBox3f​(SbBox3f box)
      • SbXfBox3f

        public SbXfBox3f​(SbVec3f _min,
                         SbVec3f _max)
    • Method Detail

      • setValue

        public void setValue​(SbXfBox3f copyFrom)
      • getValue

        public float[] getValue()
        getValue in class SbBox3f
      • transform

        public void transform​(SbMatrix m)
        Transforms the box by the given matrix.
        transform in class SbBox3f
      • extendBy

        public void extendBy​(SbBox3f bb)
        Extends the box (if necessary) to contain the given box. If the box has had a non-identity transformation applied using the setTransform() method, the given SbBox3f is assumed to be in the transformed space.
        extendBy in class SbBox3f
      • computeMaxDistance2

        public float computeMaxDistance2​(SbVec3f p)
        Returns the squared maximum distance between a point and the 8 bounding box's vertices.
        computeMaxDistance2 in class SbBox3f
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class SbBox3f
      • getClosestPoint

        public SbVec3f getClosestPoint​(SbVec3f point)
        Returns the closest point on the box to the given point. (Returns the point on the center of the Z face if passed the center.)
        getClosestPoint in class SbBox3f
      • toArray

        public static SbXfBox3f[] toArray​(long nativeArray,
                                          long length)
      • setBounds

        public void setBounds​(float xmin,
                              float ymin,
                              float zmin,
                              float xmax,
                              float ymax,
                              float zmax)
        Sets the bounds of the box.
        setBounds in class SbBox3f
      • setValue

        public SbXfBox3f setValue​(SbXfBox3d xfbox3d)
        Sets value of the box from a double precision box.
      • getInverse

        public SbMatrix getInverse()
        Gets the inverse of the transformation on the box.
      • getBounds

        public float[] getBounds()
        Gets the bounds of the box.
        getBounds in class SbBox3f
      • extendBy

        public void extendBy​(SbVec3f pt)
        Extends the box (if necessary) to contain the given 3D point. If the box has had a non-identity transformation applied using the setTransform() method, the point is assumed to be in the transformed space. For example, the following code sequence:
         SbXfBox3f bbox = new SbXfBox3f();
         bbox.extendBy(new SbVec3f(0, 0, 0));
         SbMatrix trans = new SbMatrix();
         trans.setTranslate(new SbVec3f(1, 1, 1));
         bbox.extendBy(new SbVec3f(0, 0, 0));
        will result in a bounding box extending from (-1,-1,-1) to (0,0,0) in the bbox's local (untransformed) space.
        extendBy in class SbBox3f
      • extendBy

        public void extendBy​(SbXfBox3f bb)
        Extends the box (if necessary) to contain the given box.
      • intersect

        public boolean intersect​(SbVec3f pt)
        Returns true if intersection of given point and this box is not empty.
        intersect in class SbBox3f
      • intersect

        public boolean intersect​(SbBox3f bb)
        Returns true if intersection of given box and this box is not empty.
        intersect in class SbBox3f
      • getTransform

        public SbMatrix getTransform()
        Gets the transformation on the box.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if the box is empty, and false otherwise. Note: Setting the box to all zeros does not make it "empty". Use the makeEmpty() method. (This method only returns true if the maximum X value is less than the minimum X value.)
        isEmpty in class SbBox3f
      • hasVolume

        public boolean hasVolume()
        Checks if the box has volume; i.e., all three dimensions have positive size.
        hasVolume in class SbBox3f
      • getSpan

        public float[] getSpan​(SbVec3f direction)
        Finds the extent of the box along a particular direction.
        getSpan in class SbBox3f
      • getOrigin

        public float[] getOrigin()
        Returns origin (minimum point) of the box.
        getOrigin in class SbBox3f
      • setTransform

        public void setTransform​(SbMatrix m)
        Sets the transformation on the box.
      • makeEmpty

        public void makeEmpty()
        Sets the box to contain nothing.
        makeEmpty in class SbBox3f
      • getVolume

        public float getVolume()
        Gives the volume of the box (0 for an empty box).
        getVolume in class SbBox3f