Class SoModelMatrixElement

    • Method Detail

      • set

        public static void set​(SoState state,
                               SoNode node,
                               SbMatrix matrix)
        Calls set(state, node, matrix, true).
      • getClassStackIndex

        public static int getClassStackIndex()
        As of Open Inventor replaced by SoElement.getClassStackIndex(Class)
        Returns the stack id for this element. ] *
      • setCullMatrix

        public static void setCullMatrix​(SoState state,
                                         SoNode node,
                                         SbMatrix matrix)
        Sets the transformation that defines the volume that view-volume culling should be tested against.
      • makeIdentity

        public static void makeIdentity​(SoState state,
                                        SoNode node)
        Sets the model matrix to the identity matrix.
      • popMatrix

        public static void popMatrix​(SoState state,
                                     SbMatrix m)
        This method is used by the TransformSeparator node. WARNING! For proper caching behavior, the matrix returned by .pushMatrix() must be used ONLY as a later argument to .popMatrix(), and you must NOT modify the matrix between the push and the pop. If you need the matrix for any other reason, you MUST use the .get() routine.
      • pushMatrix

        public static SbMatrix pushMatrix​(SoState state)
        This method is used by the TransformSeparator node. WARNING! For proper caching behavior, the matrix returned by .pushMatrix() must be used ONLY as a later argument to .popMatrix(), and you must NOT modify the matrix between the push and the pop. If you need the matrix for any other reason, you MUST use the .get() routine.
      • getCombinedCullMatrix

        public static SbMatrix getCombinedCullMatrix​(SoState state)
        This method gets the model*cullMatrix combined matrix (which is cached by this element).
      • get

        public static SbMatrix get​(SoState state)
        Returns current model matrix from the state.
      • mult

        public static void mult​(SoState state,
                                SoNode node,
                                SbMatrix matrix)
        Multiplies the given matrix into the model matrix.
      • set

        public static void set​(SoState state,
                               SoNode node,
                               SbMatrix matrix,
                               boolean sendToGL)
        Sets the model matrix to the given matrix. This method will (indirectly) call glLoadMatrix with the new matrix unless the 'sendToGL' parameter is explicitly false.
      • translateBy

        public static void translateBy​(SoState state,
                                       SoNode node,
                                       SbVec3f translation)
        This multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the model matrix.
      • scaleBy

        public static void scaleBy​(SoState state,
                                   SoNode node,
                                   SbVec3f scaleFactor)
        This multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the model matrix.
      • rotateBy

        public static void rotateBy​(SoState state,
                                    SoNode node,
                                    SbRotation rotation)
        This multiplies a matrix that performs the specified transformation into the model matrix.