Class SoModelScaleElement

  • public class SoModelScaleElement
    extends SoModelMatrixElement
    Stores the current model scale. This is just to redefine the match method to track just the scale portion of the model matrix and to use this element to filter changes not related to scaling. Not all the SoModelMatrix are diagonalizable because a SoMatrixTransform or a direct set of the SoModelMatrix with a not diagonalizable matrix, so the getScaleFactor can return a vector containing one or more NaN or zeros. This element has some limitation related to the way transformation also rigid ones are accumulated. So please use it with attention also because for the moment the SbMatrix.getTransform method does not return any status

    This element stores just the scale pportion of the current model matrix the cumulative transformation applied to subsequent shapes. Because the matrix is cumulative, this class is derived from SoAccumulatedElement. The set() method replaces the current matrix, while all the others (mult(), translateBy(), etc.) multiply into it. Node id's of the nodes that affect the element are accumulated properly.

    See Also:
    SoMatrixTransform, SoRotation, SoRotationXYZ, SoScale, SoTransform, SoTranslation, SoUnits
    • Method Detail

      • getScaleFactor

        public SbVec3f getScaleFactor()
        Returns the of this element model scale - if the overall SoModelMatrix is diagonazible Not all the SoModelMatrix are diagonalizable because a SoMatrixTransform or a direct set of the SoModelMatrix with a not diagonalizable matrix, so the getScaleFactor can return a vector containing one or more NaN or zeros.
      • getClassStackIndex

        public static int getClassStackIndex()
        As of Open Inventor replaced by SoElement.getClassStackIndex(Class)
        Returns the stack id for this element. ] *
      • getScaleFactor

        public static SbVec3f getScaleFactor​(SoState state)
        Returns current model scale - if the overall SoModelMatrix is diagonazible Not all the SoModelMatrix are diagonalizable because a SoMatrixTransform or a direct set of the SoModelMatrix with a not diagonalizable matrix, so the getScaleFactor can return a vector containing one or more NaN or zeros.