Interface IRenderArea

    • Method Detail

      • getComponent

        java.awt.Component getComponent()
        Gets the parent component of this render area.
        the parent component
      • setSceneGraph

        void setSceneGraph​(SoNode sceneGraph)
        Sets the scene graph. This is the Open Inventor scene which will be traversed for rendering and event processing.
        sceneGraph - the scene graph
      • getGLRenderAction

        SoGLRenderAction getGLRenderAction()
        Gets the GLRenderAction used for rendering.
        the GLRenderAction used for rendering
      • setGLRenderAction

        void setGLRenderAction​(SoGLRenderAction ra)
        Sets the GLRenderAction used for rendering.
        ra - the GLRenderAction used for rendering
      • getTransparencyType

        SoGLRenderAction.TransparencyTypes getTransparencyType()
        Gets the global transparency algorithm to use when rendering.
        the global transparency algorithm
      • setTransparencyType

        void setTransparencyType​(SoGLRenderAction.TransparencyTypes type)
        Sets the global transparency algorithm to use when rendering.
        type - the global transparency algorithm
      • getAntialiasingQuality

        float getAntialiasingQuality()
        Gets the antialiasing quality value.
        the antialiasing quality, factor in the range [0.0,1.0].
      • setAntialiasingQuality

        void setAntialiasingQuality​(float quality)
        Sets the antialiasing quality value.

        Default value is 0.0. The value 0.0 turns off antialiasing.

        quality - The quality is a factor in the range [0.0,1.0].
      • setAntialiasingMode

        void setAntialiasingMode​(SoSceneManager.AntialiasingModes mode)
        Sets the antialiasing mode.

        Default value is NO_ANTIALIASING which turns off antialiasing.

        mode - the antialiasing algorithm.
      • getStillSuperSamplingQuality

        float getStillSuperSamplingQuality()
        Gets quality for supersampling when "still" (not interacting).
        the quality for supersampling, factor in the range [0.0,1.0].
      • setStillSuperSamplingQuality

        void setStillSuperSamplingQuality​(float quality)
        Sets quality for supersampling when "still" (not interacting).

        When quality is greater than 0, still images will be automatically supersampled. Default value is 0.0. Use the value 0.0 to turn off still supersampling. 0.5 is a typical value.

        quality - The quality is a factor in the range [0.0,1.0].
      • getStillSuperSamplingDelay

        int getStillSuperSamplingDelay()
        Gets delay for supersampling when "still" (not interacting).
        the delay for supersampling in milliseconds.
      • setStillSuperSamplingDelay

        void setStillSuperSamplingDelay​(int delay)
        Sets delay for supersampling when "still" (not interacting).

        If greater than 0, images will be supersampled after the specified delay. Default value is 0. The delay is in milliseconds.

        delay - The delay for supersampling in milliseconds.
      • scheduleRedraw

        void scheduleRedraw()
        Schedules a redraw for some time in the near future.
      • activateStereo

        void activateStereo​(boolean activated)
        Activates or deactivates raw stereo.
        activated - true to activate raw stereo
      • isRawStereoAvailable

        boolean isRawStereoAvailable()
        Gets availability of raw stereo.
        true if the raw stereo is available
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        Dispose area resources.