Class PoCoordinateListFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PoCoordinateListFilter
    extends PoMesh1DFilter
    Node to define a coordinate list filter. This node defines the current coordinate list filter of all subsequent MeshViz representations inhering from PoChart. A list of points is selected by their coordinates from the geometry of the current mesh 1D (PoRegularMesh1D or PoIrregularMesh1D) by all subsequent representations. Nevertheless, if a PoMesh1DHints node with the field geomInterpretation different from AS_IS is found in the path to the representation, the filter is not applied to the mesh 1D geometry but to the computed points (these points are differently computed according to the field geomInterpretation of the class PoMesh1DHints).

    File format/default:

    PoCoordinateListFilter {

      coord 0
      axis X
    • Constructor Detail

      • PoCoordinateListFilter

        public PoCoordinateListFilter()