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SbRotationSetValue Method
Sets value of rotation.
Overload List
Public methodSetValue(Single)
Sets value of rotation from array of 4 components of a quaternion.
Public methodSetValue(SbMatrix)
Sets value of rotation from a rotation matrix.
Public methodSetValue(SbMatrix)
Sets value of rotation from a rotation matrix.
Public methodSetValue(SbMatrixd)
Sets rotation from a double precision rotation matrix.
Public methodSetValue(SbMatrixd)
Sets rotation from a double precision rotation matrix.
Public methodSetValue(SbRotationd)
Sets rotation from a double precision rotation.
Public methodSetValue(SbRotationd)
Sets rotation from a double precision rotation.
Public methodSetValue(SbVec3f, SbVec3f)
Sets rotation to rotate one direction vector to another. The rotateFrom and rotateTo arguments are normalized before the rotation is calculated.
Public methodSetValue(SbVec3f, Single)
Sets value of vector from 3D rotation axis vector and angle in radians.
Public methodSetValue(SbVec3f, SbVec3f)
Sets rotation to rotate one direction vector to another. The rotateFrom and rotateTo arguments are normalized before the rotation is calculated.
Public methodSetValue(SbVec3f, Single)
Sets value of vector from 3D rotation axis vector and angle in radians.
Public methodSetValue(Single, Single, Single, Single)
Sets value of rotation from 4 individual components of a quaternion.
See Also