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SceneExaminer Class
Tool class for easily building a basic interactive Open Inventor application without using existing viewer classes.

The SceneExaminer is an extension of the SceneInteractor node that allows providing the camera and headlight manipulations like panning, zooming and orbiting similar to the behavior of the classic Open Inventor viewer classes SoWinExaminerViewer (NavigationModes Orbit) and SoWinPlaneViewer (NavigationModes Plane). Similar behavior includes a 'headlight', i.e. an SoDirectionalLight node automatically aligned with the camera's view direction.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents.Nodes
Assembly: OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents (in OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.Release.77a61d1a523234b418592ccd07676e84f6c1d90b
public sealed class SceneExaminer : SceneInteractor

The SceneExaminer type exposes the following members.

Public methodSceneExaminer
Default constructor.
Public methodAddChild

Adds a child as last one in group.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodAdjustClippingPlanes
Adjust near and far clipping planes to minimize clipping of objects in the scene. This adjustment, based on the bounding box of the scene, ensures that shapes will not be clipped and also that depth buffer precision is maximized. This method should be called before each render traversal.
(Inherited from SceneInteractor.)
Public methodAffectsState

Returns true if a node has an effect on the state during traversal.

(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodCallback
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodClearCacheList
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodCopy
Calls Copy(false).
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodCopy(Boolean)

Creates and returns an exact copy of the node.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodCopyFieldValues(SoFieldContainer)
Calls CopyFieldValues(fc, false).
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodCopyFieldValues(SoFieldContainer, Boolean)

Copies the contents of fc's fields into this object's fields.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by SoDisposable.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public methodDistribute
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodDoAction
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodEnableNotify

Notification at this Field Container is enabled (if flag == true) or disabled (if flag == false).

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFieldsAreEqual

Returns true if this object's fields are exactly equal to fc's fields.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodFindChild

Finds index of given child within group.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodGet

Returns the values of the fields of this object in the Open Inventor ASCII file format in the given string.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetAllFields

Returns a list of fields, including the eventIn's and eventOut's.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetAlternateRep

This method is called by actions to allow the node to provide an "alternate representation" when appropriate (typically depending on the action type).

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGetBoundingBox
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodGetChild

Returns pointer the child node with the given index.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodGetEventIn

Returns a the eventIn with the given name.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetEventOut

Returns the eventOut with the given name.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetField

Returns a the field of this object whose name is fieldName.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetFieldName

Returns the name of the given field in the fieldName argument.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetFields

Appends references to all of this object's fields to resultList, and returns the number of fields appended.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetMatrix
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodGetName

Returns the name of an instance.

(Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodGetNumChildren

Returns number of children.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodGetPrimitiveCount
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodGetRenderEngineMode
This override is mandatory to specify the custom node's render engine mode. If not overridden, a warning message will be displayed.
(Inherited from SceneInteractor.)
Public methodGetRenderUnitID
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGetStringName (Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGLRender
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodGLRenderBelowPath
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodGLRenderInPath
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodGLRenderOffPath
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodGrabEventsCleanup
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGrabEventsSetup
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodHandleEvent
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodHasDefaultValues

Returns true if all of the object's fields have their default values.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodInsertChild

Adds a child so that it becomes the one with the given index.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodIsBoundingBoxIgnoring

Used by BoundingBoxAction to known if bounding box computation should be ignored or not.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodIsNotifyEnabled

Notification is the process of telling interested objects that this object has changed.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodIsOverride

Returns the state of the override flag.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodIsSynchronizable

Gets the ScaleViz synchronizable state of this object.

(Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodPick
(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodRayPick
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodRemoveAllChildren

Removes all children from group.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodRemoveChild(Int32)

Removes child with given index from group.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodRemoveChild(SoNode)

Removes first instance of given child from group.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodReplaceChild(Int32, SoNode)

Replaces child with given index with new child.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodReplaceChild(SoNode, SoNode)

Replaces first instance of given child with new child.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public methodSearch
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public methodSet

Sets one or more fields in this object to the values specified in the given string, which should be a string in the Open Inventor file format.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodSetName (Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodSetOverride

Turns the override flag on or off.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodSetSynchronizable

Sets this to be a ScaleViz synchronizable object.

(Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodSetToDefaults

Sets all fields in this object to their default values.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodToString
Converts this SoBase structure to a human readable string.
(Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodTouch

Marks an instance as modified, simulating a change to it.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodViewAll
Set the camera to view all the scene.
(Inherited from SceneInteractor.)
Public methodViewAxis
Moves the camera to be aligned with the given direction vector while keeping the "up" direction of the camera parallel to the specified up vector.
(Inherited from SceneInteractor.)
Public methodWrite
(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public propertyboundingBoxCaching
(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public propertyboundingBoxIgnoring

Whether to ignore this node during bounding box traversal.

(Inherited from SoGroup.)
Public propertyCamera
Gets the current camera.
(Inherited from SceneInteractor.)
Public propertyCameraInteractor
Gets the current camera interactor.
(Inherited from SceneInteractor.)
Public propertyCameraMode
Gets/sets the camera mode.
(Inherited from SceneInteractor.)
Public propertyfastEditing

Specifies the fast edit mode of the separator node.

(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public propertyHeadlightEnabled
Enables/Disables the headlight.
(Inherited from SceneInteractor.)
Public propertyInteractionMode
Gets/sets the interaction mode.
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertyNavigationMode
Gets/sets the navigation mode.
Public propertyOrbitEnabled
Enables/disables camera orbit.
Public propertyPanEnabled
Enables/disables pan.
Public propertypickCulling

Whether to cull during picking traversal.

(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public propertyrenderCaching Obsolete.

Whether to cache during rendering traversal.

(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public propertyrenderCulling

Whether to cull during rendering traversal.

(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public propertyrenderUnitId

Used during the ScaleViz depth compositing process, this field specifies which render unit (OIRU) will render the sub scene graph below this separator.

(Inherited from SoSeparator.)
Public propertyRotateEnabled
Enables/disables camera rotate.
Public propertySeekEnabled
Enables/disables seek.
Public propertySeekMode
Set the interaction into or out off seek mode (default is off).
Public propertySelectionEnabled
Enables/disables selection.
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public propertyZoomEnabled
Enables/disables zoom.
Public eventInteractionModeChanged
Occurs when the interaction mode is changed.
Public eventSeekAnimationChanged
Occurs when a seek animation ends or is aborted.

The SceneExaminer is not directly comparable with a classic Open Inventor viewer as it does not provide any GUI (no buttons, no popup menu) and fewer interactive features (no animation). However it does provide a touch event handler that allows manipulating a scene on a touch device. See parent class SceneInteractor for more details about the structure of the internal scene graph.

The SceneExaminer uses an instance of SoCameraInteractor in order to manipulate the camera in response to OpenInventor events.



  • Window system integration The SceneExaminer needs a component that integrates the Open Inventor 3D rendering window with the native window system. System dependent tasks include creating a window, placing the window in the application's user interface, initializing OpenGL and processing the native event/message loop. System independent support for this is provided by the SoRenderAreaCore class. Example components are provided for WPF.
  • Event handling The SceneExaminer needs a component that builds OpenInventor events (SoEvent) from native system events. System independent support for this is provided by the SoEventBuilder class. Example component is provided for WPF, see WpfEventToSoEvent.
  • Library A basic version of SceneExaminer is a supported part of the Open Inventor API and prebuilt library is provided.
  • Source code The basic version of SceneExaminer is also provided as source code to allow applications to customize and build their own interactive tool class. See $OIVNETHOME/source/OIV.Inventor.Viewercomponents/Nodes/.
  • Interaction Modes Similar to the classic Open Inventor viewer classes, SceneExaminer is either in Navigation mode (the default, similar to viewing mode) or Selection mode. The user must press the ESC key to toggle between interaction modes. (Of course this behavior can be modified or replaced by implementing an alternate version of SceneExaminer.) In navigation mode, Open Inventor events are automatically handled to modify the camera as defined in the Usage section below. Events that are defined in this section are not sent to the application scene graph, but all other events are sent to the application scene graph. Also specific viewing behaviors can be disabled as needed (see for example #ZoomEnabled). In selection mode, all events are sent to the application scene graph.
  • Scene graph The application scene graph should be the last child of the SceneExaminer. The initial application scene graph can be added by simply calling the inherited method AddChild(). But note that if you need to replace the application scene graph, for example loading a new data set, do not call RemoveAllChildren(). That would also remove the SceneExaminer's camera, headlight and event handler nodes. Add an SoSeparator to the SceneExaminer to serve as the "scene graph holder", then add and remove the application scene graph from this node.
  • Clip planes SceneExaminer automatically adjusts the 'near' and 'far' clipping planes when events modifying the camera are handled. This adjustment, based on the bounding box of the scene, ensures that shapes will not be clipped as the camera orbits and also that depth buffer precision is maximized. This adjustment is only done in InteractionMode NAVIGATION and can be disabled by setting the environment variable "OIV_SCENE_EXAMINER_AUTO_CLIPPING_PLANES" to false. Note: Updating clipping planes after a camera move can be not sufficient. If the scene graph is modified or if a dragger or a rendered shape is moved, they can disappear or become partially clipped. A classic implementation of a render area must adjust clipping planes before each rendering by calling the provided method #AdjustClippingPlanes. See render area's implementations available in $OIVNETHOME/source/OIV.Inventor.Viewercomponents.Wpf folder for examples of AdjustClippingPlanes use.
  • Compatibility Please note that some interaction behaviors are different than the classic Open Inventor viewer classes (e.g. SoWinExaminerViewer) :
    • In Orbit mode: Left Mouse + Shift: does : Zoom in/out.
    • In Plane mode: Left Mouse + Middle Mouse or Left Mouse + Shift: does : Roll the scene.
    • Mouse wheel in both modes performs a dolly relative to the cursor position, not the center of the viewport.
    • The classic Alt key behavior is not implemented. This key is reserved for application use.
    • The Right Mouse button does not display a popup menu. This button is reserved for application use.


Orbit mode with a mouse:

  • Left Mouse: Rotate the scene or seek to point if seek mode is activated.
  • Middle Mouse or Left Mouse + Ctrl: Pan the scene.
  • Left Mouse + Middle Mouse or Middle Mouse + Ctrl or Left Mouse + Shift: Zoom in/out.
  • Mouse Wheel: Zoom in/out the scene (zoom center is the mouse cursor location).
  • Escape key: Switch between viewing mode and selection mode.
  • S key: Activate/Deactivate seek mode.

Orbit mode with a touchscreen:

  • 1 finger: Rotate the scene.
  • 2 fingers: Rotate the scene on the screen plan, zoom in/out and pan (rotation and zoom center are located between the two fingers).
  • Double tap: Seek to the point located by the finger.
  • Long tap: Enable/Disable selection mode.

Plane mode with a mouse:

  • Left Mouse: Zoom in/out or seek to point if seek mode is activated.
  • Middle Mouse: Pan the scene.
  • Left Mouse + Ctrl or Middle Mouse + Ctrl: Roll the scene.
  • Left Mouse + Ctrl + Shift or Left Mouse + Middle Mouse: Zoom in/out the scene.
  • Mouse Wheel: Zoom in/out the scene (zoom center is the mouse cursor location).
  • Escape key: Switch between viewing mode and selection mode.
  • S key: Activate/Deactivate seek mode.

Plane mode with a touchscreen:

  • 1 finger: Pan the scene.
  • 2 fingers: Rotate the scene on the screen plan, zoom in/out and pan (rotation and zoom center are located between the two fingers).
  • Double tap: Seek to the point located by the finger.
  • Long tap: Enable/Disable selection mode.
See Also