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SoGpuBufferObject Class

GPU buffer object class.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Devices
Assembly: OIV.Inventor (in OIV.Inventor.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoGpuBufferObject : SoBufferObject

The SoGpuBufferObject type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoGpuBufferObject
Calls SoGpuBufferObject(OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessFrequencies( .SoGpuBufferObject.STATIC ), OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessNatures( .SoGpuBufferObject.SHARED )).
Public methodSoGpuBufferObject(SoGpuBufferObjectBufferAccessFrequencies)
Calls SoGpuBufferObject(accessFrequency, OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessNatures( .SoGpuBufferObject.SHARED )).
Public methodSoGpuBufferObject(SoGpuBufferObjectBufferAccessFrequencies, SoGpuBufferObjectBufferAccessNatures)


Public methodClearInstance

This function clears the content of the buffer, it frees the memory if the mode was COPY.

(Overrides SoBufferObjectClearInstance.)
Public methodCreateInstance

Create a new buffer with the same properties as the current one.

(Overrides SoBufferObjectCreateInstance.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by SoDisposable.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFillT
Convenient method to fill an SoBufferObject with a default value.
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetAccessFrequency

Returns the current buffer access frequency hint for this buffer object.

Public methodGetAccessNature

Returns the current buffer access nature hint for this buffer object.

Public methodGetContext

Returns the device context where this buffer is valid.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetMappedBufferObject

Returns a pointer to the buffer object which is mapped by the actual object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetMappedBufferObjectAccessMode

Returns the access mode used for the buffer mapping.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetMappedBufferObjectPosition

Returns the position in the source buffer mapped in this buffer.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetMappedBufferObjectSize

Returns the size of the mapped area in bytes.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetSize

Returns the size, in bytes, of the buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLockBuffer

Locks the buffer against concurrent calls from different threads.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMap(SoBufferObjectAccessModes)
Calls Map(accessMode, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMap(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes)
Calls Map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMap(SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64)
Calls Map(accessMode, offset, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMap(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64)
Calls Map(targetBufferObject, accessMode, startPosition, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMap(SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64, UInt64)

Map the buffer to a system memory address and allows the mapping of a sub part of the buffer object into CPU memory.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMap(SoBufferObject, SoBufferObjectAccessModes, UInt64, UInt64)

Maps the current buffer object into the specified buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemcpy(SoBufferObject)
Calls Memcpy(sourceBufferObject, System.UInt64(0), System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemcpy(SoBufferObject, UInt64)
Calls Memcpy(sourceBufferObject, destOffset, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemcpy(SoBufferObject, UInt64, UInt64)
Calls Memcpy(sourceBufferObject, destOffset, sourceOffset, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemcpy(SoBufferObject, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64)

Copies data from the specified buffer object into this buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemset(IntPtr)
Calls Memset(value, System.Convert.ToUInt64(1), System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemset(IntPtr, UInt64)
Calls Memset(value, valueSize, System.UInt64(0), System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemset(IntPtr, UInt64, UInt64)
Calls Memset(value, valueSize, offset, System.Convert.ToUInt64(SO_BUFFER_SIZE_ALL)).
(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodMemset(IntPtr, UInt64, UInt64, UInt64)

This function sets the contents of (or a portion of) this buffer object to the specified value.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodSetSize

Sets the size in bytes of the buffer object.

(Overrides SoBufferObjectSetSize(UInt64).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnlockBuffer

Unlocks the buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodUnmap

Unmaps the buffer from CPU address space.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public methodUnmap(SoBufferObject)

Unmap this buffer from the specified buffer object.

(Inherited from SoBufferObject.)
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)

This class provides management functions for GPU memory buffers.

Note: Since Open Inventor 10.4, applications should use SoGPUBufferObject, instead of OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoGLBufferObject, in most cases. For example to store vertex data in GPU memory for use with OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoBufferedShape or OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoVertexShaderParameterBufferObject.

See OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoBufferObject for general information about buffer objects.


  • Creating a GPU buffer requires a current GPU context (like OpenGL).

  • Modifying the properties of an GPU buffer require a current GPU context. This includes mapping and unmapping the buffer (OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoBufferObject.Map(OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoBufferObject.AccessModes, System.UInt64, System.UInt64)/unmap()), allocating memory (OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoGpuBufferObject.SetSize(System.UInt64)) and copying data into the buffer (e.g. OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoBufferObject.Memcpy(OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoBufferObject, System.UInt64, System.UInt64, System.UInt64)).

  • The same instance of OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoGpuBufferObject can not be used inside two GPU contexts that are not shared. For example, if an instance of OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoBufferedShape contains SoGpuBufferObjects in its fields, this instance can be used in multiple viewers only if their contexts are shared.

See OIV.Inventor.Devices.SoBufferObject for general information about buffer objects.

See OIV.Inventor.Nodes.SoBufferedShape for an example of storing vertices in a GPU buffer.


Load data into a buffer object.

Create a GPU buffer object and load data from an array in memory:

float[] vertices = new float[9 * 3] {
    1.0f, 0.5f,0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,0.0f, -1.0f,0.5f,0.0f,
   -1.0f,-1.0f,0.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f,0.0f,  1.0f,0.0f,0.0f, -1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,
   -1.0f,-1.5f,0.0f, 1.0f,-1.5f,0.0f

SbNativeArray<float> vertArray = new SbNativeArray<float>(vertices);
SoCpuBufferObject vertBuf = new SoCpuBufferObject( (SbNativeArray<byte>)vertArray );

SoGpuBufferObject gpuBuffer = new SoGpuBufferObject( SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessFrequencies.STATIC, SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessNatures.SHARED );
gpuBuffer.SetSize( cpuBuffer.GetSize() );  // Set the buffer size (allocate memory)
gpuBuffer.Memcpy ( cpuBuffer );            // Copy data into the buffer


Access data stored in a GPU buffer object.

SbNativeArray<float> data = (SbNativeArray<float>)gpuBuffer.Map( SoBufferObject.AccessModes.READ_ONLY );
float value = data[0];
value = data[1];
   . . .

NOTE: Class available since Open Inventor 10.0.

See Also