Click or drag to resize
SoOrthoSliceDragger Class

Object that moves an OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoOrthoSlice by dragging with the mouse.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.VolumeViz.Draggers
Assembly: OIV.VolumeViz (in OIV.VolumeViz.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoOrthoSliceDragger : SoTranslate1Dragger

The SoOrthoSliceDragger type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoOrthoSliceDragger


Public methodAffectsState

Returns true if a node has an effect on the state during traversal.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodCallback
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodClearOtherEventCallbacks
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodCopy
Calls Copy(false).
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodCopy(Boolean)

Creates and returns an exact copy of the node.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodCopyFieldValues(SoFieldContainer)
Calls CopyFieldValues(fc, false).
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodCopyFieldValues(SoFieldContainer, Boolean)

Copies the contents of fc's fields into this object's fields.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodCreatePathToPart(String, Boolean)
Calls CreatePathToPart(partName, makeIfNeeded, (OIV.Inventor.SoPath ^)nullptr).
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodCreatePathToPart(String, Boolean, SoPath)

Returns a path that begins at this nodekit and ends at partName.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodCreatePathToThis
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by SoDisposable.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public methodDistribute
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodDoAction
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodEnableNotify

Notification at this Field Container is enabled (if flag == true) or disabled (if flag == false).

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodEnableValueChangedEvent

You can temporarily disable a dragger's valueChangedCallbacks.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFieldsAreEqual

Returns true if this object's fields are exactly equal to fc's fields.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGet

Returns the values of the fields of this object in the Open Inventor ASCII file format in the given string.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetAllFields

Returns a list of fields, including the eventIn's and eventOut's.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetAlternateRep

This method is called by actions to allow the node to provide an "alternate representation" when appropriate (typically depending on the action type).

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGetBoundingBox
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodStatic memberGetClassNodekitCatalog

Returns the OIV.Inventor.Nodekits.SoNodekitCatalog for this class.

Public methodGetEvent
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetEventIn

Returns a the eventIn with the given name.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetEventOut

Returns the eventOut with the given name.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetField

Returns a the field of this object whose name is fieldName.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetFieldName

Returns the name of the given field in the fieldName argument.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetFields

Appends references to all of this object's fields to resultList, and returns the number of fields appended.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodGetHandleEventAction
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetLocalStartingPoint
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetLocalToWorldMatrix
Calls GetLocalToWorldMatrix((OIV.Inventor.Actions.SoAction ^)nullptr).
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetLocalToWorldMatrix(SoAction)
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetMatrix
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGetMinGesture

Gets the number of pixels of movement required to initiate a constraint gesture.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetMinGestureFloat (Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetMotionMatrix

Get the motion matrix.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetName

Returns the name of an instance.

(Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodGetNodekitCatalog (Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGetPart

Searches the nodekit catalog (and those of all nested nodekits) for the part named partName.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGetPartString

Given a node or a path to a node, checks if the part exists in the nodekit, in a nested nodekit, or an element of a list part.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGetPartToLocalMatrix
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetPickPath
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetPrimitiveCount
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGetRenderEngineMode

Returns the supported Render engine mode.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGetRenderUnitID
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGetStartMotionMatrix
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetStringName (Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodGetSurrogatePartPickedName
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetSurrogatePartPickedOwner
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetSurrogatePartPickedPath
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetTrackerDirectMode

Get the current tracker direct mode for this dragger.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetViewportIsEnabled (Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGetViewportOrigin (Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGetViewportRegion Obsolete.
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetViewportSize (Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGetViewVolume Obsolete.

Dragger must not store information related to viewer settings.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetWorldStartingPoint
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetWorldToLocalMatrix
Calls GetWorldToLocalMatrix((OIV.Inventor.Actions.SoAction ^)nullptr).
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGetWorldToLocalMatrix(SoAction)
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodGLRender
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodGLRenderBelowPath
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGLRenderInPath
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGLRenderOffPath
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGrabEventsCleanup
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodGrabEventsSetup
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodHandleEvent
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodHasDefaultValues

Returns true if all of the object's fields have their default values.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodInvokeValueChanged

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodIsBoundingBoxIgnoring

Returns true if bounding box computation should be ignored during OIV.Inventor.Actions.SoGetBoundingBoxAction traversal.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodIsNotifyEnabled

Notification is the process of telling interested objects that this object has changed.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodIsOverride

Returns the state of the override flag.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodIsPathSurrogateInMySubgraph(SoPath)
(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public methodIsPathSurrogateInMySubgraph(SoPath, SoPath, String, SoPath)
Calls IsPathSurrogateInMySubgraph(pathToCheck, pathToOwner, surrogateNameInOwner, surrogatePathInOwner, true).
(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public methodIsPathSurrogateInMySubgraph(SoPath, SoPath, String, SoPath, Boolean)
(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public methodIsSynchronizable

Gets the ScaleViz synchronizable state of this object.

(Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodIsTrackerDirectMode
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodPick
(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodRayPick
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodRegisterChildDragger
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodRegisterChildDraggerMovingIndependently
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSaveStartParameters
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSearch
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodSet(String)

This function allows field values of parts (nodes) to be set in several different parts simultaneously.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodSet(String, String)

This function allows field values of parts (nodes) to be set.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodSetHandleEventAction
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetMinGesture(Int32)

Sets the number of pixels of movement required to initiate a constraint gesture.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetMinGesture(Single) (Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetMotionMatrix

Set the motion matrix.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetName (Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodSetOverride

Turns the override flag on or off.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodSetPart

Inserts the given node (not a copy) as the new part specified by partName.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public methodSetPartAsDefault(String, SoNode)
Calls SetPartAsDefault(partName, newNode, true).
(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public methodSetPartAsDefault(String, String)
Calls SetPartAsDefault(partName, newNodeName, true).
(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public methodSetPartAsDefault(String, SoNode, Boolean)
(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public methodSetPartAsDefault(String, String, Boolean)
(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public methodSetPartAsPath

Sets any public part in the interaction kit as a "surrogate" path instead.

(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public methodSetStartingPoint(SbVec3f)
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetStartingPoint(SoPickedPoint)
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetSynchronizable

Sets this to be a ScaleViz synchronizable object.

(Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodSetTempPathToThis
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetToDefaults

Sets all fields in this object to their default values.

(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public methodSetTrackerDirectMode
Calls SetTrackerDirectMode(OIV.Inventor.Draggers.SoDragger.TrackerDirectModes( .SoDragger.DEFAULT )).
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetTrackerDirectMode(SoDraggerTrackerDirectModes)

Sets the tracker direct mode for this dragger (see description above).

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetViewportRegion Obsolete.
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodSetViewVolume Obsolete.
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodToString
Converts this SoBase structure to a human readable string.
(Inherited from SoBase.)
Public methodTouch

Marks an instance as modified, simulating a change to it.

(Inherited from SoNode.)
Public methodTransformMatrixLocalToWorld
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodTransformMatrixToLocalSpace
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodTransformMatrixWorldToLocal
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodUnregisterChildDragger
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodUnregisterChildDraggerMovingIndependently
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodWorkFieldsIntoTransform
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public methodWrite
(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public propertyboundingBoxCaching
(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public propertyboundingBoxIgnoring

Whether to ignore this node during bounding box traversal.

(Inherited from SoBaseKit.)
Public propertyenableCallbacks

If set to false, motion, start and finish callbacks are disabled.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public propertyenableHighlight

Enables highlighting.

Public propertyhighlightColor
Public propertyisActive

true when mouse is down and dragging, else false.

(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertyorthoSlicePath

Path to the OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoOrthoSlice node to drag.

Public propertypickCulling

Set pick caching mode.

(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public propertyrenderCaching Obsolete.

Set render caching mode.

(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public propertyrenderCulling

Set render culling mode.

(Inherited from SoInteractionKit.)
Public propertytranslation

Position of the dragger.

(Inherited from SoTranslate1Dragger.)
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public propertyvolumeDimension Obsolete.

Dimension of the volume.

Public propertyvolumeExtent Obsolete.

Extent of the volume.

Public eventFinishDragging
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public eventMouseMove
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public eventStartDragging
(Inherited from SoDragger.)
Public eventValueChanged
(Inherited from SoDragger.)

OIV.VolumeViz.Draggers.SoOrthoSliceDragger is derived from OIV.Inventor.Draggers.SoTranslate1Dragger and has similar behavior, but is specifically designed to allow direct manipulation of an OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoOrthoSlice. The difference is that this class uses the actual geometry of the ortho slice to detect mouse clicks and automatically updates the slice's OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoOrthoSlice.sliceNumber field as the dragger is moved. Conversely the dragger updates itself if the slice's axis or sliceNumber fields are changed by the application.

The dragger will not do anything until the field OIV.VolumeViz.Draggers.SoOrthoSliceDragger.orthoSlicePath has been set. The path can be a partial path, i.e. it does not need to start at the root of the scene graph. However, it must include the OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoOrthoSlice node.

The dragger always sets its "translator" part to be the actual ortho slice node. When the dragger is created it sets its "translatorActive" part to be an empty Separator. You can reset this to something else. You can attach callbacks to this dragger in the usual way.

If the camera faces the slice (i.e. the orientation of the slice and the camera are exactly the same), the dragger will automatically change its orientation to another axis so that it can be manipulated (otherwise it can't). When the dragger itself is displayed, this behaviour may be surprising, and it can be disabled by setting the OIV.Inventor.SoPreferences value IVVR_ENABLE_ORTHOSLICE_DRAGGER_AXIS_SWITCH to false.


SoSeparator volSep = new SoSeparator();

SoVolumeData volData = new SoVolumeData();
volSep.AddChild( volData );

SoOrthoSlice orthoSlice = new SoOrthoSlice();
volSep.AddChild( orthoSlice );

SoPath path = new SoPath(volSep);
path.Append( orthoSlice );

SoOrthoSliceDragger dragger   = new SoOrthoSliceDragger();
dragger.orthoSlicePath.Value  = path;


OrthoSliceDragger {
orthoSlicePath NULL
volumeDimension 0 0 0
volumeExtent 0 0 0
enableHighlight true
highlightColor 1.0 1.0 0

See Also