Click or drag to resize
SoWinRenderArea Class

Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.Inventor.Win
Assembly: OIV.Inventor.Win (in OIV.Inventor.Win.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class SoWinRenderArea : SoWinGLWidget, 

The SoWinRenderArea type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoWinRenderArea
Calls SoWinRenderArea((System.Windows.Forms.Control ^)nullptr, (System.String ^)nullptr, true, true, true).
Public methodSoWinRenderArea(Control)
Calls SoWinRenderArea(parent, (System.String ^)nullptr, true, true, true).
Public methodSoWinRenderArea(Control, String)
Calls SoWinRenderArea(parent, name, true, true, true).
Public methodSoWinRenderArea(Control, String, Boolean)
Calls SoWinRenderArea(parent, name, buildInsideParent, true, true).
Public methodSoWinRenderArea(Control, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Calls SoWinRenderArea(parent, name, buildInsideParent, getMouseInput, true).
Public methodSoWinRenderArea(Control, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Constructor which is passed arguments which tell it whether to register the mouse and keyboard devices by default (OIV.Inventor.Win.Devices.SoWinMouse and OIV.Inventor.Win.Devices.SoWinKeyboard).

Public methodCode exampleAddHook
Adds an event handler that receives all messages dispatched to this window.
(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodBindNormalContext

Makes the normal rendering context the current context.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodDispose
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFlush
(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetAntialiasingMode

Returns the antialiasing mode set using the setAntialiasing(float,AntialiasingMode) method.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetAntialiasingParameters (Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetAntialiasingQuality

Returns the antialiasing quality set using the setAntialiasing(float,AntialiasingMode) method.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetBackgroundColor

Gets the background color for this window.

Public methodGetBackgroundIndex

Gets the window background color when in color index mode.

Public methodGetBorderSize

Included for portability only.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetClassName

Returns the class name.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodGetCursor Obsolete.

Returns the current cursor.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultRedrawPriority

Gets the default priority number of the redraw sensor.

Public methodGetFastEditSavePolicy

Returns fast editing save policy used when rendering.

Public methodGetFloatingColorBuffer

Returns true if floating point rendering is used and its precision.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetGLRenderAction

Gets the current GL render action.

Public methodGetGraphicConfigTemplate

Gets the current graphics configuration template.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetIconTitle

Included for portability only.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodGetInvalidateCacheMode

Returns the current cache invalidation mode.

Public methodGetMPEGRecorder

Returns the recorder used for MPEG encoding.

Public methodGetNormalDC

Returns the device context (which is needed for SbGlContextHelper.makeCurrent).

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetNormalSoContext
(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetPixelFormat

Returns the current pixel format.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodGetRedrawPriority

Gets the priority of the redraw sensor.

Public methodGetSceneGraph

Gets the scene graph to be rendered in this component's window.

Public methodGetSceneManager

Gets the normal scene manager.

Public methodGetShareContext

Returns the information needed to make OpenGL render contexts share OpenGL objects, for example, display lists and texture objects.

Public methodGetSize

Convenience routine on the window handle.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodGetTitle

Gets window title.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodGetTransparencyType

Gets the algorithm for rendering transparent objects.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetViewportRegion

Gets current viewport region to use for rendering.

Public methodGetWidgetName

Returns the window handle name.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodHide

This hides the component.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodIsAutoRedraw

Queries whether the render area will automatically redraw whenever something in the scene graph changes.

Public methodIsBorder

Included for portability only.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodIsClearBeforeRender

Queries whether the window will be cleared before rendering starts.

Public methodIsClearZBufferBeforeRender

Queries whether the depth buffer (sometimes called the Z buffer) will be cleared before rendering starts.

Public methodIsDoubleBuffer

Returns whether double buffering is on or off.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodIsDrawToFrontBufferEnable

Returns whether drawing to the front buffer is enabled.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodStatic memberIsFloatingColorBufferSupported

Returns true if floating point rendering is available.

Public methodIsFullScreen

Queries if the viewer is in fullscreen mode.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodIsFullScreenEnable

Queries if it is possible to put the viewer in fullscreen mode.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodIsTopLevelShell

Returns true if this component is a top level shell component (has its own window).

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodIsVisible

Returns true if this component is mapped onto the screen.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodRedrawOnSelectionChange

Call this convenience method to have this render area redraw whenever the selection list changes in the passed node.

Public methodRegisterDevice

Registers interest in devices.

Public methodRemoveHook
Removes the event handlers that were added by AddHook.
(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodRender

Calling this forces the render area to be redrawn now.

Public methodSaveSnapshot(String)
Calls SaveSnapshot(filename, true).
(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSaveSnapshot(String, Boolean)

Save a snapshot of the current image displayed in the viewer.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodScheduleRedraw

Schedules a redraw to happen sometime soon (as opposed to immediately).

Public methodSetAntialiasing(Single)
Calls SetAntialiasing(quality, OIV.Inventor.SoSceneManager.AntialiasingModes( .SoSceneManager.AUTO )).
(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetAntialiasing(SoAntialiasingParameters)

Enable (or disable) antialiasing with specific parameters.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetAntialiasing(Single, SoSceneManagerAntialiasingModes)

Enable (or disable) antialiasing with specified quality and mode.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetAutoRedraw

The render area will automatically redraw whenever something in the scene graph changes.

Public methodSetBackgroundColor

Sets the background color for this window.

Public methodSetBackgroundIndex

Sets the window background color when in color index mode.

Public methodSetBorder

Included for portability only.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetClearBeforeRender(Boolean)
Calls SetClearBeforeRender(trueOrFalse, true).
Public methodSetClearBeforeRender(Boolean, Boolean)

Enables/prevents window clearing from happening before a rendering starts (default is clear true).

Public methodSetColorMap

Sets the colors to use when displaying in color index mode.

Public methodSetCursor Obsolete.

Sets the current cursor.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetDoubleBuffer

Routine that dynamically changes between single and double buffering.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetDrawToFrontBufferEnable

Sets drawing to the front buffer.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetFastEditSavePolicy(SoGLRenderActionFastEditSavePolicies)
Calls SetFastEditSavePolicy(policy, false).
Public methodSetFastEditSavePolicy(SoGLRenderActionFastEditSavePolicies, Boolean)

Sets fast editing save policy to use when rendering.

Public methodSetFloatingColorBuffer(Boolean)
Calls SetFloatingColorBuffer(enable, OIV.Inventor.Win.SoWinGLWidget.FloatColorBufferSizes( .SoWinGLWidget.FLOAT_16_COLOR_BUFFER )).
(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetFloatingColorBuffer(Boolean, SoWinGLWidgetFloatColorBufferSizes)

Enables/disables floating point rendering using 16- or 32-bit components.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetFullScreen

Switches the viewer into (or out of) fullscreen mode.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetFullScreenEnable

Enables/disables fullscreen mode.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetGLRenderAction

Sets the GL render action to use.

Public methodSetGraphicConfigTemplate

Sets a new graphics configuration template.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetIconTitle

Included for portability only.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetInvalidateCacheMode

Enables or disables the invalidation of render caches.

Public methodSetMPEGRecorder

Sets the recorder used for MPEG encoding.

Public methodSetPixelFormat

Sets the current pixel format.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetRedrawPriority

Sets the priority of the redraw sensor.

Public methodSetSceneGraph

Sets the scene graph to be rendered in this component's window.

Public methodSetSceneManager

Sets the normal scene manager.

Public methodSetSize

Convenience routine on the window handle.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetStealFocus

By default the GLWidget "steals" focus whenever the cursor moves over it.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodSetTitle

Sets window title.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSetTransparencyType

Sets the algorithm for rendering transparent objects.

Public methodSetViewportRegion

Sets viewport region to use for rendering.

Public methodShow

This shows the component.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public methodSwapNormalBuffers

Swaps the normal front and back buffers.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnbindNormalContext

unbind the current context (previously bind with bindNormalContext );

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public methodUnregisterDevice

Unregisters interest in devices.

Public propertyCursor

Sets the current cursor.

(Inherited from SoWinGLWidget.)
Public propertyEventFunction
Sets the event delegate that will be called before viewer process keyboard or mouse event.
Public propertyHandle
Implements Handle.
(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)
Public propertyPostRenderCallback

Specifies a function to be called after the Open Inventor render traversal and immediately before the OpenGL buffer swap.

Public propertyWindowCloseCallback

Sets the delegate to invoke when the user closes this component (double click in the upper left corner) - by default Hide() is called on this component, unless a delegate is specified.

(Inherited from SoWinComponent.)

This class provides Open Inventor rendering and message handling inside a Windows window. There is a routine to specify the scene to render. The scene is automatically rendered whenever anything under it changes (a data sensor is attached to the root of the scene), unless explicitly told not to do so (manual redraws). Users can also set Open Inventor rendering attributes such as the transparency algorithm, antialiasing on or off, etc. This class employs an OIV.Inventor.SoSceneManager to manage rendering and message handling.

Windows messages that occur in the render area can be handled by the application, by the viewer (if this is really a viewer), or by the nodes in the scene graph. When a message occurs, it is first passed to the application message delegate function registered with the setEventCallback() method on OIV.Inventor.Win.SoWinRenderArea. If this function does not exist or returns false, the message is either used directly by the viewer or translated to an OIV.Inventor.Events.SoEvent for further scene graph processing. If the viewer does not handle the message, the OIV.Inventor.Events.SoEvent is sent to the scene graph by way of an OIV.Inventor.Actions.SoHandleEventAction.

See Also