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PbCell Class

Defines an abstract cell of a mesh.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.MeshViz.Data
Assembly: OIV.MeshViz (in OIV.MeshViz.dll) Version: 2024.2.2.0 (
public class PbCell : PbBase

The PbCell type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopyFrom(PbBase)

Assignment operator.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodCopyFrom(PbCell)

Assignment operator.

Public methodEnableConnection

Activates/deactivates the mechanism of connection.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetArea

Gets the area of a cell.

Public methodGetBoundingBox

Gets the cell's bounding box.

Public methodGetBounds

Gets the cell's bounds.

Public methodGetCenter

Gets the cell's geometric center.

Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetIndex

Gets the index of the cell in the mesh.

Public methodGetLongestEdgeLength

Gets the length of the longest edge of the cell.

Public methodGetNodeCoord

Gets the coordinate of the nod (nod must be >=0 and < OIV.MeshViz.Data.PbCell.GetNumNodes()).

Public methodGetNodeIndex

Gets the index (in the mesh) of a nod (nod must be >=0 and < OIV.MeshViz.Data.PbCell.GetNumNodes()).

Public methodGetNodesIndex(ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the array of index mesh's nodes that belongs to this cell.

Public methodGetNodesIndex(IListInt32)

Gets the array of index mesh's nodes that belongs to this cell.

Public methodGetNodesIndexOfEdge(Int32, ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the array of 2 index mesh's nodes that belongs to a given edge of this cell.

Public methodGetNodesIndexOfEdge(Int32, IListInt32)

Gets the array of 2 index mesh's nodes that belongs to a given edge of this cell.

Public methodGetNodesIndexOfFacet(Int32, ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the array of index mesh's nodes that belongs to a given facet of this cell.

Public methodGetNodesIndexOfFacet(Int32, IListInt32)

Gets the array of index mesh's nodes that belongs to a given facet of this cell.

Public methodGetNodesLocalIndexOfEdge(Int32, ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the array of 2 nodes index that belongs to a given edge of this cell.

Public methodGetNodesLocalIndexOfEdge(Int32, IListInt32)

Gets the array of 2 nodes index that belongs to a given edge of this cell.

Public methodGetNodesLocalIndexOfFacet(Int32, ArrayList) Obsolete.

Gets the array of node index that belongs to a given facet of this cell.

Public methodGetNodesLocalIndexOfFacet(Int32, IListInt32)

Gets the array of node index that belongs to a given facet of this cell.

Public methodGetNumEdges

Gets the number of edges.

Public methodGetNumFacets

Gets the number of facets.

Public methodGetNumNodes

Gets the number of nodes.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue(Single, SbVec3f)

Gets the vector value of a point in this cell, given the point's weights.

Public methodGetValue(Single, Single)

Gets the scalar value of a point in this cell, given the point's weights.

Public methodGetValue(SbVec3f, SbVec3f)

Get the vector value of a point in the cell.

Public methodGetValue(SbVec3f, Single)

Get the scalar value of a point in the cell.

Public methodGetVolume

Gets the volume of the cell.

Public methodGetWeight

Gets the weights of a point defined by its parametric coordinates.

Public methodIsConnectionEnabled

Returns true if the connection mechanism is active, otherwise false.

(Inherited from PbBase.)
Public methodLocatePoint

Returns 1 if the point is inside the cell, 0 otherwise.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTouch

Simulates the changing of an instance of this object, so all connected objects are informed of this change.

(Inherited from PbBase.)

A cell is a "simple" basic volume or surface element that connects adjacent nodes of a mesh.

See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy